Chapter 2

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The first class ended and I couldn't be more excited! The first lesson we started to learn today was how to hold properly the camera and I can't wait for the next period to come!

"Ugh!" "Oops, sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you." Apologized in an sarcastic tone a guy who walked past me with his friends. "Yeah... No problem..." I dismissed him and walked off. I should probably go somewhere without much people.

I sat at a wooden bench in the yard, drinking my morning tea that I got from the vending machine. I looked once again at the people and a bitter feeling filed my heart. I was scared. I was scared of people judging me, pushing me aside. I am scared of talking to people. I don't want them to hate me but I also don't want them to like me at the same time. I hate attention, but at the same time, I feel lonely. That's how I always was.

"Oh, it's you!" I turned my gaze at the familiar voice from my left which it turned out to be the person who helped me find the principal's office. "Oh! You are the one who helped me yesterday! Thanks again, I own you one." "Don't mention it." To my surprise, he didn't left but sat beside me. "So?" "Huh?" He asked and I couldn't quite get what he was talking about. I'm getting nervous...

"Your name." "Oh, my name is Liam Walker." "Nice to meet you Liam. My name is Noah Jefferson. Which department are you in?" He introduced himself with a carefree expression making me slightly relax. "I'm in the photography department." "Wow I'm also in the photography department." "Really? Are you an upperclassman? Because I didn't see you today in class." I asked, feeling somewhat happy that I could talk to someone who is in the same department.

"Yup. I'm a second year." He smiled at me and I couldn't help but feel at ease. He was surprisingly easy to get along with. "So what made you choose photography?" He asked and I could feel the excitement rush through my veins. So this is how you feel when you talk to someone without worries. "I always loved taking photos from a small age since I can't really take photos of myself. I really love it so I want to chase it!" I explained and Noah looked at me with a very surprised and curious look.

"You can't take photos of yourself?" He asked making me close my hands into first. "It's not that I can't... Well, I can as long it doesn't have flash." "Why?" Should I tell him or... Screw it.

"I have epilepsy."

I answered him looking elsewhere. By now, most people would pity me and walk away. I wouldn't be surprised if he did the same. "Man, that's incredible. Despite your condition, you came here to study what you love." He replied with a kind smile making me look at him in complete surprise. "People like you are amazing!" He placed a hand over my head and ruffled my hair.

"W-what?!" I was too surprised. That was the first time someone said that to me. "That's the truth. Don't feel ashamed of yourself just because you have epilepsy. You are a normal human too." He... He noticed? "I could tell that you hesitated to answer my questions." He smirked and I covered my face in shame. I was too easy to read.

"For real tho, why would you feel ashamed of it? I don't see a reason for it." He questioned and I laid my back on the bench, letting out a heavy sigh. "Most people would pity me with a fake smile, that's why. Not only that... But my whole life, people would put me aside because apparently I couldn't do anything normally. Their hypocrisy and fake sympathy is killing me. Because of that, I choose to be alone and far away from people." I talked over and over, taking everything out of my tired self. I was feeling better. I didn't even knew why I answered him in the first place, but I indeed felt a whole lot better.

"I see... That must had been hard for you." He mumbled after a while in a soft and sympathetic voice. "You really shouldn't listen to them. Just because you have epilepsy, doesn't mean you can't do what others do." "I appreciate what you are saying. I really do. You are the very first person to ever sound so genuine to me." I showed a melancholic smile looking to the ground but suddenly he got a grip of my shoulder. I looked at him and his expression was quite irritated. What's his deal?"

"I don't sound genuine. I AM genuine." My eyes widened as the bell for the next period rang. We stood motionless for a few seconds but I quickly got up ready to leave. "I need to get going." I said and rushed back inside the building. "Seriously... What's with him?" Did he really meant what he said...?



He told me to not listen to people and that I was just as human as they are.

"-Am Walker."

Many people have already said this to me but he was the first one to ever sound genuine about it. How do I know he is not one of them?

"Liam Walker!!"

"Huh?! What?!" Suddenly I was interrupted from my thoughts and looked up at the person who called my name. It was Spencer. He was standing right in front of my seat inside the classroom. Why is he here? "Why are you here?" "I came to ask you the key for our room." "Eh?" My eyes widened and an awkward smile appeared on my lips.

"Why are you asking for my key? Don't you have your's?" He let out a sigh, rubbing his temples. "That's the thing. I forgot my key inside the dorm." That's a surprise. I thought he would be much more careful. He seems like the serious type.

"Sure but I suggest you stay there. I won't be able to enter if you don't open the door for me." I laughed giving him my key from my bag. Maybe it's a bad choice trusting him with my key but oh well, he really seems responsible enough. I don't think he is lying for something like that. "Don't worry, I will be all day inside the room studying anyways. Just knock on the door when you come." "Sure thing."

Once he left, another person, this time one of my classmates, came looking at me with an irritated look. It was a very annoyed girl. "Hey, there's someone who's looking for you." She pointed towards the door and my eyes widened. It was Noah who was standing right outside of the door, waving his hand at me. I gulped and walked towards him.

"Hey~" He greeted and I couldn't feel more awkward. "Hey... I'm sorry for leaving like that. The bell had rang and–" "That's what you're worried about? Why don't you think about the kid you gave your room key?" Just how long has he been here? "He seems like a good guy so I trust him." I answered now walking away. Noah just gave me a doubtful look.

"So why did you come here?" I asked Noah since he was following me. "Isn't it obvious? I want to be friends with you." He answered in a matter of fact tone. "Why?" I stopped on my tracks and stared at him with widened eyes. "You said so yourself that you don't have friends right? Let me be your friend." I blinked and then shook my head in disapproval.

"If you're doing that out of pity, then no." "That's not it." He said confident, making me feel even more curious about this guy's actions. "I do want to become your friend. I think you are an interesting guy and rather easy to talk to. It's up to you If you want to believe me or not." He walked in front of a vending machine and gave me a small smile. "If you ever decide that you want someone to talk to, come and find me. I'll be more than happy to have a conversation about photography with you." With that, he bought a coffee, and left me behind.

"He really is a weird person..." I mumbled showing a small smile on my own. He actually looks like a good guy...

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