Chapter 13

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"So, you must be a first year right? How is life in the university so far?" Questioned Kevin with a polite smile. "It's fine so far. I really like photography so I'll make sure to do my best." "That's good to hear." He smiled as I began to feel more at ease around him. My eyes refusing to look towards Noah, so talking with Kevin was the best distraction. "If I may ask, what's your department?" I questioned as we were slowly getting closer towards the restaurant.

"I'm in the design department and a third year at that." "Oh, I see. So you are a third year like Alex." "That's right." He said with a smile as I finally dared to take a look towards the others that were walking a little bit faster than us. Suddenly, Noah turned his head behind to face us and my eyes landed on his for a split second. He had noticed me staring at him and saw me drift my eyes away. Why did I averted my eyes from him?

After a few seconds, I lifted my head and saw a smirk on Kevin's lips. "How long do you guys know each other?" I flinched at Kevin's sudden question but it didn't took me long to answer. "Around four months..." "Since the university started?! Wow, I'm surprised!" "How about you? How long do you know him?" I returned the question and he gave me a carefree laugh.

"Well If you ask since when I got to know him, that would be since forever. Our families are quite familiar with each other due business. But if you are asking me when we started to hang out, that would be now. This is the first time we are hanging out as friends. The only person who's actually close to me here is Alex which is my best friend which is also the reason I'm here today." That took me by surprise. At first I was surprised because Noah is known to not have many friends. Scratch that, he didn't even had any other friends beside me and Jason. But I was even more surprised to see Kevin talk so casually about someone who just became his friend.

"Hey! Why are you guys so far behind? We arrived at the restaurant!" Questioned loudly Jason from afar. "Coming!" We both replied as I could faintly see the irritation on Noah's face. What's gotten into him? With that said, we all walked inside the restaurant.

"What the..." I said staring at the menu with a surprised expression. I could only wonder if I was even able pay for any of those dishes. "What's wrong Liam? Is it not to your liking?" I turned my gaze towards Noah with my mouth wide open. "A-aren't those dishes extremely expensive?" "If it's about the money then you shouldn't be worried. It's on me." He said with a smile as he took a sit across of mine.

"But-" I began but Kevin cut me off. "Don't worry Liam. Since Noah is paying then you should enjoy the food to your heart's content." "Actually, the offer is only for Liam. You are rich enough to pay for your own meal." Glared Noah the never wavering and laid-back Kevin. "That's too bad. Oh well, waiter! I would like to order a bottle of Graham Port 'Ne Oublie' Tawny!" Said Kevin at the waiter as he also gave him our orders.

"I see that you still love spending money on drinks." "Of course I do. There's nothing better than tasting the sweet taste of a red wine." "Yeah right. You are always stingy with money but you are not afraid to spend it on drinks." "It's not that I'm stingy, it's just that I know how to spend money on things that matters to me."

I watched the quarrel between Noah and Kevin with a deadpanned expression. "Cut it out you two! You are being even more annoying than Alex!" Scolded Jason as Alex stared at him with starry eyes. "Oh my Jason~! You are too cute~!" Exclaimed Alex hugging tightly the poor Jason. "I take it back! I take it back!" Just what in the world is going on here...

"Excuse me, could you quiet down a bit?" They stopped yelling once we heard the waiter's timid voice. I looked around and saw the displeasing faces of the customers. "I apologize for the rude behavior of my friends. We'll make sure to be quiet from now on." I got up and spoke nervously at the waiter, as he then nodded slowly his head.

"Oof... Thankfully he let it slide." Spoke Jason letting out a sigh of relief. "And it's all thanks to Liam." Smiled Kevin warping his arm around my neck. "Don't touch him." Warned Noah as I could feel myself getting in a dangerous situation. "Come on, I'm not going to do anything and you know that." Replied Kevin in a serious tone as Noah shoot him glares. "You two realize that you are talking about me right? So stop doing whatever this is about." I pointed out and both of them looked at me with an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry... I crossed the line again..." Mumbled Noah as he hid his face with the right palm of his hand.

"N-no it's fine... really..." I began nervously but my eyes soon drifted towards the entrance of the restaurant. My eyes widened as my breath became short, my hands trembling. "What's wrong Liam?" Questioned Jason as that took everyone's attention. There, just a few meters away, my brother had come inside the restaurant along with the same woman he was with two years ago. Thanks to Jason, Oliver had noticed me and turned his head elsewhere.

"Liam?" "I-it's nothing... I... I'll go outside to take a breath." I murmured already getting up from my sit. For now I should probably stay away from Oliver...

[With Noah and the rest]

"Why did he suddenly went outside? Is he feeling unwell? He was just fine a moment ago..." Thought the worrisome Noah as the rest shared a look of confusion.

"Hey...guys... Doesn't that person over there looks too much like Liam?" Suggested Jason pointing at a man with orange/blonde hair and red eyes. "Holy shit... He looks exactly like Liam but with much shorter hair and with a sour face." Agreed Alex as Noah's eyes widened. It doesn't take long to put two and two together. Noah immediately got up from his sit and walked outside, but not before the man who looked like Liam, do the same.

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