Chapter 27

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"Hey Kevin, what are you doing at the entrance of the university? Are you waiting for someone?" I questioned Kevin as me and Noah walked towards him. "That's right. What about you guys? What are you doing here?" He asked with a smile. "I'm also waiting for someone." Replied Noah and just then, a black car arrived and stopped right in front of Kevin. My eyes getting a glimpse of him who held the biggest smile ever.

"Morning..." Spoke a guy who got out of the car with a very tired voice. His shoulder length hair were gray and his eyes bright yellow with round glasses. The most noticeable thing in him, the weird outfit he wore. "Toshi~!! I missed you!!" Eh? "Guys, let me introduce you to my boyfriend Toshiro Sasaki. Toshiro, those are my friends, Liam Walker and Noah Jefferson." Explained Kevin as he brought a hand over Toshiro's shoulder.

"Huh? You have a boyfriend? I thought you were asexual." Said Noah and Kevin turned to give him a deadly glare. "You fucking dumbass, how many times do I have to say, aromantics and asexuals are two different things." "Eh... Sorry to say this but...what's asexual?" I questioned sweat dropping as Kevin showed an understanding smile.

"Asexuals are people who are unable to feel sexual attraction. We are still able to be in a romantic relationship, just without sex. Sadly, it's hard to find a partner who wouldn't have a problem with that since we live in a society filled with sex, but thankfully, I met the man of my life over here who's also asexual~"

Explained Kevin as Toshiro bowed slightly for a proper greeting. "Nice to meet you two." He spoke with his tired expression becoming slightly lighter. "Are you Asian?" Questioned suddenly Noah and Toshiro nodded his head. "You could say that. I am from Japan but I grew up here." "Oh that's why you wear that thing...what was it's name... Ah! kimono." "Not really. I just wore it for a family album we shoot the morning. The kimono feels really uncomfortable." Frowned Toshiro as Kevin gave him a big hug for comfort.

"It's going to be okay~ Let's go buy some new clothes for you to wear~" "I don't have much time Kevin... I need to continue writing my novel..." "It's going to be fine~ You'll have all the time you need after we finish shopping~" It all happened in a blink of an eye. Kevin pushed Toshiro inside the car and sat next to him while giving orders to the driver. "And they left." I spoke, still processing what was happening.

"Hey!" We suddenly heard a familiar voice and we turned to look at Noah's sister. "Here. Take the money and make sure to not overspent." "How's the situation at home?" "Not good. Both mom and dad are in horrible mood. Ugh... Now I have even more work to do and I'm awfully tired..." "I see... I'm sorry for putting you in a tough situation like this." "Don't be stupid, we are siblings. We cover for each other. Now, take care. Both of you." "We will." She's really a kind person... I hope everything's goes well for everyone...

"Come on, let's go." Spoke Noah with a smile and I was brought back from my thoughts. "Yeah." I'm starting to get nervous...


"Hey, what are you doing guys?" I questioned as I saw both Jason and Alex talk with a short girl with short purple hair. She looks almost exactly like Alex... "Hey guys. I'm glad you finally showed up. Now let's go." Blurted out Jason ready to leave but Alex caught his arm preventing him to do so. "Are you really going to leave me and our kid like that?" Fake sobbed Alex as Jason blushed with a glare. "What kid are you talking about?! It's your sister so take care of her yourself!" "Don't be so rude Jason." Scolded Noah as I walked a little bit closer towards Alex and the kid.

"Who's that kid Alex?" I questioned smiling at the younger girl. "She's my little sister. She will be staying with me since her high school already started their break. So for now, I'll have to take care of that brat!" Yelled Alex punching the girl's shoulder and to my surprise, she punched him back to the stomach.

"Hiii, nice to meet you~ My name is Mia! I hope we can get along well!" She smiled and I nodded my head with a smile of my own. "Nice to meet you too Mia. My name is Liam and he over here is Noah. Let's get along!"

"Hey! Mia? Kevin? W-where are you?!" Suddenly someone started yelling Kevin's and Mia's name and we all turned around to face a nervous boy. What is going on today? "Jeremy~!" Exclaimed Mia as she ran straight towards the boy by the name Jeremy and gave him a tight hug.

"Hey! Long time no see Jeremy! I'm sorry but if you're looking for your brother, he already ran away with his boyfriend." Greeted Alex as he seemed to also know the young boy. "Oh, I see. Thanks for telling me." "We'll be leaving now to explore the university~ See you later guys!" Voiced Mia dragging along the boy with her.

After that, me and Noah kept gazing at them still in confusion. What in the world happened? "We met too many people today, didn't we?" Murmured Noah and I rubbed nervously the back of my head. "Yeah, too much information." "Way to say you're an introvert." "You could say that again."

"Come on guys. Let's go to the cafeteria." Spoke Jason already dragging both me and Noah from our collars. "Wait for me~" laughed Alex also following us.


"I see... So that's what happened." Voiced softly Jason as we all sat on a table far away at the corner explaining Noah's situation. "Noah, you should just leave away from that home." Suggested worriedly Jason as Alex nodded alongside him. "It's not fair to you. You don't have an opinion in that family and they don't care about your needs." "Jason's right. You should probably run away from that house." Continued Alex as Noah kept looking into the void. His face holding a worried expression.

"Guys, it's not as easy as you think it is. His parents could find him any time they want and after all...that's not what Noah wants." I spoke and Noah turned to give me a smile as he placed his hand over my head. "That's right... I don't want to leave like that. I want to be acknowledged by them and understand how wrong they are. I also can't leave my sister like that... She caries too much worry about me. The least I can do is to try fix our family relationship."

"What if you can't do that? What if you won't be able to escape from your family?" Questioned sternly Jason as Alex let out a sigh. "Then I guess I'll have to do as they say." Jason's eyes widened in anger as I turned to look at Noah with a sorrowful gaze.

"... It's going to be fine. I'll find a solution..."

I sure hope so... We'll find a way out of this...somehow.

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