Chapter 17

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"...Is this how it feels to like someone?"

A sudden sound of a horn was heard and I immediately turned my head around. Am I an idiot?! What am I doing in the middle of the road?! I thought to myself as I ran to the side. I shook my head and let out a sigh. Calm down and think clearly... Just let those matters for now and focus on getting a present.

"But will I be able to find anything at this time and day?"


[With Noah]

Ahh~ I'm so happy~ I can't believe Liam went out of his way to go and buy me a present! I'm so touched! Wait, what if he does it because he feels indebted to me?! What if it's out of pity?! What if- "Are you okay dear? You've been spacing out a lot since Liam left. Is everything alright?" The sudden voice of Liam's mother brought me out of my thoughts. I shook my head and showed her a smile.

"Everything's perfectly fine. I'm just really glad to be here! And thank you one again for your hospitality." "It's our pleasure. I'm so happy to see Liam to finally have friends. He was always a little shy and reserved and he became even more since his brother left our home..." Said his mother showing me a bitter smile while preparing a hot cup of tea for her.

"I assure you ma'am, Liam will never be alone ever again. He has of course you, his family, and us. I myself don't ever plan to abandon him." I smiled warmly at her and she did the same. "Thank you Noah. I'm very happy to hear that."

Liam is so lucky to have such a good mother... I wish mine was also like that. "That reminds me... Your name is Noah Jefferson right?" "That's right." "Aren't you 'that' Jefferson? The son of the CEO in the Partnership Industry?" My eyes sightly widened in panic. I took a small breath and tried my best to show a smile. "Indeed I am." "Oh my~ Who would thought my son would be making such friends!" She said with an enthusiastic voice and I smiled awkwardly at her.

"But... Please make sure to not say anything to Liam." I pleaded and she gave me a face full of wonder. "He doesn't know that?" "No he doesn't... So I would appreciate it if you could keep it a secret..." "Alright alright, you seem to really want to hide this from my boy and I hope you have a good reason for that. After all, it's not the power of money that made you guys be friends, so that information is little to matter at all." Liam's mother is very understanding... Just like him... Ugh, I think I'm going insane!

I want to see him...


I picked a present for him but I still don't know if it's good enough... I thought and then shook my head to clear my mind and focus on my way. I really hope he likes it...

Soon, I arrived back home panting from running. I stood outside of my door and tried my best to calm myself down. When I finally got a hold of myself, I took in a deep breath and opened the door.

"Liam! Your here!" Exclaimed happily Noah with the biggest grin I ever seen. "H-here... Your present." I spoke motioning for him to grab the bag on my hands. He opened it and slowly took the item into his hands. "A scarf?" I blushed looking down to the ground in embarrassment. "W-well there wasn't something better I could buy at the moment... A-and I know it isn't great and all but I hope you like it."

Just then he placed a hand over my head to ruffle my hair. "I love it!" He showed me a big smile trying on the gray scarf I had bought for him. The heat on my face never wavering. "Here. This is yours." He said now giving me his own present. "Come on, open it." Laughed Noah as I could only stare at it nervously. I took the present into my hands and once I opened it, my eyes widened in complete surprise.

"T-t-those are camera lenses!!" "Yup! They are brand new and they will be just perfect for your project! I hope you like them!" With that, I crouched down hiding my face in shame and embarrassment. "Liam? What's wrong? You didn't like it?" "It's just that you got me such a great present and the only thing I gave you was a scarf..."

Just then, I saw Noah bending down to my level and placed once again his hand over my head. "You silly kid, how big or expensive a present is, doesn't matter as long you have bought something with your heart for that person. It's the thought that counts. In other words, stop sulking and chin up. After all, how could I not love it when it's the person I like who gave it to me!" He stated as my whole face was burning hot and my body frozen in place. At that moment, I was thankful that my mother was nowhere to be seen. Or at least that's what I thought.

"Is Liam back?" I suddenly heard and ma and Noah immediately got straight back up. Not long after that, she came out of her room with a big smile. "Liam, I've got great news! Oliver is coming back!" My eyes widened in surprise and in the other hand Noah's narrowed in suspiciousness. "Is that so... When is he coming back?" I questioned my mother with a sightly saddened voice. "He will be here tomorrow morning! Ah~ I'm so happy! Everything goes very well for my both sons~!" Even if I had my doubts, I didn't wanted to destroy my mother's happiness.

While my mother was in her own happy world, Noah rested a hand over my shoulder and looked at me with worried eyes. "Call me if anything happens." "A... Alright." He finally showed a small smile and walked towards the door. "You're leaving?" "Yup, it's getting pretty late so I'll just go home now." "Okay... Be careful." "I will~"

"Oh? Where is your friend Liam?" "He called it a night." I answered my mother's question now sitting over a couch in the living room. "Oh my, I was so happy that Oliver will come back that I didn't said goodbye to your friend. I'm such a horrible host." She let out a sigh shaking negatively her head. "Please do tell him to come here whenever he likes. And your other friends too! I would love to meet them as well." "We'll see..." I gave her a nervous laugh.

She laughed alongside me while drinking a half cup of tea. We sat there in comfortable silence for a while until I decided to speak out my mind. "Hey mom... Can I ask you a question?" "Sure, what is it?" I gulped and finally voiced my question. "...How does it feel like to like someone?" She didn't even question why but rather showed me a gentle eye-closed smile.

"It really depends on the circumstances, preferences and above all, the person. For some people, it happens in the blink of an eye. For some others, it takes them a while to realize their feelings. Some want to spend more time with the person they like. Others are satisfied with just presents and gifts. For many people it also feels as if the person is always stuck in their head. Love is a complicated feeling. It's hard to describe it, but once you began to like someone, eventually you'll understand. I have only one advice for you, don't dig too much into your thoughts and what is what. When you can't decide with you mind, do it with your heart."

Surprisingly enough, my mother's words hit bull's-eye. My eyes open wide gazing at the ceiling. For the first time in a while, I knew exactly what I needed to do. And I was determined to do my best.

The next time we meet, I'll make sure to give him my answer.

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