Chapter 26

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"What is that man doing here in our house? Who is it?" Questioned angrily the man which I supposed was Noah's father. "He's not my friend." Answered Noah and my eyes widened. Don't tell me... "Liam is my boyfriend." Said Noah with a smirk as I stared awkwardly towards his furious parents.

"What's this nonsense?!" "Noah... Please tell me that this is just a stupid joke. There's no way my boy would be gay." Homophobic much? "Believe whatever you want. Me and Liam have somewhere to go." Spoke Noah trying to dismiss his parents but they wouldn't stand down so easily. "Don't be ridiculous! MY son has no right to be one of those people!" Yelled his father as I looked worriedly towards Noah. He in return looked back at me and smiled.

"W-what the?!" Noah had kissed me in front of his parents as another smirk appeared on his face. His parents looking at us with terrifying eyes. "Now do you believe me?" Laughed Noah now holding tightly my hand that was sightly shaking as he knew that I was getting anxious. I didn't wanted anyone to know beside our friends. Having his parents to know this was even more scary.

"You blockhead! You dare do something like that! I can't believe my son is gay!" "You first reject the company and now you walk around being homosexual! You are stupid you know that?! You are a failure! That's what me and your mother get for raising you?! You are such a disappoinment!" Yelled both of his parents and I was starting to get furious. I looked towards Noah and saw that he was calm as if that was nothing compared to other times. I clenched my teeth and walked in front of Noah. My anxiety long gone.

"How can you call yourselves parents when the only thing you do is to curse your own child? I am nothing but a stranger to this family but Noah is someone I care very deeply about. I love him with my whole heart and soul. So I can't just stand by and do nothing. You are forcing him to enter the company when you don't even try to listen to him! He loves photography and he is definitely one of the best ones at that! Instead try to understand the reason behind his actions and his believes. Don't force him to do things he doesn't want to! It's his life! He can do whatever he wants!" "Liam..."

"Close your mouth you-!" "What is happening here?" Just then, a woman with pitch black hair and gray eyes entered the main door of the house. Her expression blank and out of any emotion. "Stefani! You couldn't choose a worst time to come back. We have a very serious discussion with your brother." Noah has a sister? "Not this nonsense again... Just leave the poor kid alone." "Leave him alone? If we let him do as he wants, things will only get worse! Look what he has become! He still studies in that worthless university and now he even has a relationship with a man!" Yelled Noah's mother as his sister let out a sigh while rubbing her temples.

"He's still young. Let him do whatever he wants. He'll grow up someday. Don't forget that you also have me to help you with the company." "But when will he stop! We just can't find any salvation to this!" "It okay, I'll talk to him so just go up and rest." "As if he's going to listen to you..." Despite their complaints, both of them walked away leaving behind me, Noah and his sister with the name Stefani.

"For God's sake... They're so annoying... Come on you two, follow me." Ordered Stefani as me and Noah followed silently after her outside of the house. We finally stopped a few blocks away as Stefani laid on one of the walls of a building facing both of us. Her expression becoming slowly more tired.

"This far should be okay. We don't want their cameras to see or hear us." "You have cameras inside and outside of your home?" I questioned looking towards Noah and he rubbed the back of his head with a sigh. "Yeah... That's why it's better that we walked that far away." "I see..."

"Anyway, enough chit chat. Do you care to explain that whole gay thing?" "Well... Liam over here is my boyfriend." "So? What were you thinking when you said that to them? You should had told me first." "Yeah sorry... I didn't knew things would be like that either." She doesn't look disgusted with us unlike her parents, instead she looks mad that he didn't said anything? "My sister is a lesbian that's why she didn't make a big deal out of this." Explained Noah as he must had seen my troubled expression. "Oh, I see."

"Your name is Liam right? Nice to meet you. My name is Stefani Jefferson and I am Noah's older sister. Please take good care of him." "Nice to meet you two." I smiled warmly towards her as she nodded her head with her usual poker face.

"As for you, when are you going to stop caring about what our parents want? You knew that they would start yelling at you if you came back. Just leave them be and do your own thing. If it's about money I'm here for you." Spoke Stefani now lighting a cigarette. "Is it too much to ask for our parents to accept me for who I am?" His face held such a sadness that made my heart throb in pain. "Stefani is right. You have her, me and your friends who actually care about you." I spoke now taking his hand into mine as he gave me a small smile.

"Listen kid. Just stay away from the family for the time being. In the meantime, if they truly care about you, they'll start to reach out to you on their own. Don't take any money from your allowance and instead leave all the money matters to me. It would also be good if you stayed away from your apartment, otherwise mom and dad would be able to find you." "What's the point? They would never care about me anyways." "Just give it a try." Suggested Stefani and I nodded along side her.

"Yeah after all we are staying at the university but soon we'll have another break. You could stay with me if it's okay with you. I'm sure neither my mom or my brother will have any problem with this." "...Alright. I guess it won't hurt trying at the very least."


"Oh? You guys are back." Voiced Jason as he got up from our usual bench. "Yeah..." "How did things go?" "It could have gone better." "I see..." "What about you? Did anything interesting happened while we were gone?" I questioned Jason as his face become flustered. "N-no! As if anything could happen! Haha...ha." He laughed nervously as I nodded in fake understanding. I bet something happened with Alex.

"Anyways, let's go to the cafeteria!" Said loudly Jason already walking away. "Sure let's go." Me and Noah shared a laugh as we both followed after our friend.

Let's see how things will go from here on out.

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