Chapter 11

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[Two years ago.]

"Liam, have you seen Oliver? The diner is ready but he is nowhere to be found..." Asked worriedly my mother as I came back from my room. "I think he is somewhere with his friends. Don't worry mom, I'll go look for him." I showed her a smile and got outside of the house.

I looked around the neighborhood and I still couldn't find him. Just where is he? I was starting to get worried. He isn't picking up his phone either...

I looked around and something inside me told me to go to the abandoned building just a few blocks away. I gulped and walked slowly inside. A strange smell soon had appeared and made me hesitant to walk even further. Soon enough... My eyes widened to see my brother with his two friends smoking and drinking a bunch of alcohol. The disgusting smell was something that I couldn't stand but seeing my brother like this, I couldn't just let him be.

"Oliver?" "Well well, look who appeared! If it isn't my twin brother Liam!" He said with a laugh as his friends spared me a glare. "What are you doing here Oliver? Are you drinking alcohol? And Those cigarettes... Why are you doing this? Mother would be very sad if she knew." "Here you are again spouting nonsense... Just go back home and leave me alone." He turned his back at me refused to look me in the eyes. Slowly I could feel my blood boil with anger and I began to walk closer towards him. I got a grip of his arm and turned him to face me.

"You are the one who's spouting nonsense! Look at yourself! Why are you doing this?!" His friends got a grip of my arms and pushed me away from Oliver. "Let me go damn it! Oliver just come home with me! Mom is very worried about you!" "Is this kid truly your brother Oliver?" One of his friends questioned my brother and he turned once again his back at me. "Sadly, he is..." Why are you doing this...? Why...? "Why are you saying this Oliver?!" I yelled as his friends dragged me outside of the building.

"Let me go!! I need to get my brother back!!" I tried to freed myself from their grasps only for them to push me to the ground. "I say we teach this kid a lesson." laughed one looking at the broken window, where my brother stood, as if he was asking for an approval. My eyes widened to see my brother leaving further inside the room. "I was hoping that your dear brother would had at least stopped us but..." Said the one with a smirk. "But it seems like he doesn't care." Finished the other one as they started to beat me up.

I want to disappear...


"Liam! What happened to you?! Where is Oliver?!" I managed to walk back home as I didn't dared to meet my mother's eyes. My whole body was itching in pain. "Oliver won't be coming back home today..." I mumbled walking inside the house and towards my room. I closed the door and refused to open it up despite my mother's pleas.


Oliver was still refusing to come back home even after three whole days. I in the other had, refused to step outside of my room. My mind could only think about my twin younger brother. I was confused. But not surprised. One year after my first seizure, my brother started to insolate himself from us. Little by little, Oliver was slowly changing. After the age of twelve, he began to fight a lot with our mother and suddenly disappear from the house. But this was the first time he left for so long.

A knock on the door was enough to get me out of my thoughts. "Liam? I've made your favorite today... Aren't you going to eat?" "...I'm not hungry..." I heard a faint sound of glass being placed on the floor. "I left a plate outside of your door... Please eat some, okay?" After that, I could hear my mother's footsteps slowly disappearing.

I opened sightly my door in order to get the plate my mother left for me, but I stopped midway when I heard a certain voice. I walked towards the living room to see my mother's crying eyes facing my twin brother. "Where have you been?! Do you know how worried I was?! What were you thinking of leaving like that?!" I heard my mother shouting as my brother faced her completely unfazed. "Stop lying damn it! You only care about your sweet son Liam! Don't say that you were worried-" A long silence filled the room as I could only stare at them with widened eyes. Mother had slapped Oliver on the face as tears were running endlessly from her depressed eyes.

Oliver then walked calmly into his room and soon enough he came out with a large bag. "Looks like I'm unwanted here so I'll be leaving." "Wait, where are you going?! Oliver!!" Despite our mother's cries, Oliver left, not turning to spare a last glance towards us. "Oliver I'm sorry!! I shouldn't had hit you!! I'm sorry!!"

And just like that... My twin brother never came back. Our mother tried so many times to call him, to find him, to apologize... She did everything in her power to take back her son. I couldn't stand this... My mother's cries and worries...myself... I was feeling depressed. I missed my brother. I just wanted to understand...

One year later, I felt as if the luck was finally on my side. By chance, I had met my brother on the street walking side by side with a beautiful woman. "...Oliver?" "Tch, why did I had to bump into you now..." The atmosphere was awkward but not enough to stop me from hugging him. "Oliver... I missed you... I was so worried..." I started crying as I was unaware of the glares the woman gave me.

Suddenly, Oliver pushed me harshly away, hiding away the sadness in his eyes. "Don't touch me! We are not family anymore... So stay away from me..." "Is it our mother's fault?! Is it my fault?! Why don't you tell me?! I'll be a better brother so come back home!" I questioned him grabbing him from his shoulders. At that point, I was desperate to know the reason behind his actions. I was desperate to bring him back home. The tears still falling. He freed himself from my grasp as he took a hold of the collar of my shirt.

"YES IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU! You are the reason I hate mom! You are the reason I don't want to come back home!" He finally yelled straight to my face. After a small silence, he began to walk away crossing to the opposite side of the road. I, despite his harsh words, immediately ran behind him only to fall down to the ground. My body starting to shake uncontrollably once more. My seizure attracting many passing people.

"What's wrong with him? Why did he collapsed to the ground all of the sudden? So weird..." Mumbled the woman that was with my brother. "Why did you stopped walking?" She questioned him as both of them stopped a few steps away from me. My brother stared at me with widened eyes and clenched fists. "Let's leave now. Quick." And with that, my brother turned his back at me once again.

I should just die already...

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