Chapter 24

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"Hey Liam."

I looked up from my camera to see Noah approaching me with a kind smile. "I need to talk to you about something." He spoke after a while, his smile turning downwards and his eyes looking anxiously to the ground. "Sure what is it?" It seems kinda serious... I hope everything's okay. "My...father called me and he wishes to immediately see me, so...I'll leave for a few days." He finally said now sitting down on the bench beside me. His voice dark and low. His eyes ever so saddened. Seems like he really doesn't wanna go...

"Do you want me to come with you?" I asked and his eyes widened in surprise. "I appreciate it...really, but I had to face him sooner or later. Don't worry, I'll be fine." At that, I let out a sigh and took his hand into mine. "Okay, but if everything happens, make sure to call me. I'll come immediately running towards you." I showed him a big and warm smile and I could see clearly in his expression that it gave him the reassurance he needed. "I love you Liam..." "I love you too."


[Somewhere else with a specific someone.]

"Why are you hiding?"


Celly that was hiding behind a bush, was startled by a very specific tall energized girl from behind. "W-who the hell are you?! You startled me!" Whisper-yelled Celly as the other girl only widened her smile. "Oh sorry I didn't wanted to scary you. I saw you hiding and looking towards my friends so I was wondering what you were doing. Name's Emily by the way." Emily introduced herself as Celly looked elsewhere sweat dropping.

"W-well I..." "Hmmm?" "...I wanted to apologize to them again for something I did but I wasn't confident to do so." Explained Celly with clenched fists. Her eyes ever do saddened. "Ah I see! So you weren't a creep after all! Haha!" "Hey, Who are you calling a creep?!" Celly glared the girl only for her to laugh even more. "You are weird..." "Thanks, I get that a lot." Replied Emily with a smile as she looked towards Celly with understanding eyes. She knew what had happened. She knew what that girl did but she could clearly see that Celly wasn't a bad person.

"What's your name?" Asked Emily the other one with a smile. "Celly... Celly Brown." "Great! Let's go and talk to them together then!" With that, Emily got a grip of Celly's hand. "W-what?! No way!" Refused Celly with all her might, but sadly for her it was in vain. "Come on, it's going to be okay! I'll be there for you!" Celly's eyes widened and her anger calmed down. That girl was annoying to her eyes. She was a pushover and meddled too much into other people's business. But she was kind enough to even help her.

Celly didn't spoke, but rather followed silently the girl looking to the ground. "It's going to be fine." Spoke Emily with a calm and caring voice as Celly finally gazed towards the taller girl once more with widened eyes. She had to admit, Emily was indeed a very good person. "Thank you..." "It's nothing."


"Hey~~ Liam, Noah!" "O-oh, it's you!" Said Liam nervously while waving towards the two girls. Noah on the other hand just tched in slight annoyance. "Wow Liam, your face is really red? Are you okay?" Pointed out Emily and Liam's eyes widened. "Y-yes! I'm totally fine!" Voiced rather loudly Liam now hiding behind the palm of his hands. "Oh~ What were you two doing?" "Nothing, you just have a wild fantasy." Replied Noah and Emile just snickered. "I knew it, my gaydar is never wrong."

Meanwhile Celly would look at all of them as if they were some bizarre creatures. "Can you guys please act normally?" "Wait, aren't you going to do what we said earlier?" Questioned suddenly Emily and Celly's eyes looked elsewhere.

"...Here." She said taking something out of her pocked. "What's this?" Questioned Liam with curiosity all over his face. "It's lucky stones. I wanted to give those to you two as a proper apology..." She explained and Liam gave her a smile. "You didn't needed to give us something for us to forgive you. Like we said before, we are good. No need to apologize anymore." "Just take it!" Voiced loudly Celly while looking to the ground in embarrassment.

"Aww you are so cute~~!" Laughed Emily warping her arms around Celly. "W-what are you doing?!" "You look so cute when you are embarrassed~~" "I-I'm not!" The poor girl couldn't freed herself. Despite trying so hard to get away, Emily only tighten her hugs. "Are you two friends?" Asked Noah with a curious smile but Celly only shook negatively her head. Emily on the other hand, nodded enthusiastically. "Yup, she is my new friend!" "We are not friends!" "How funny, you almost made me believe it!" Laughed once more Emily now walking away with Celly still holding her close into a hug. Meanwhile Liam and Noah were staring at them in complete confusion.

"Well... That was unexpected."



[The next morning.]

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Questioned Liam with a worried look as Noah showed him a small gentle smile. "Of course. I'll be fine, don't worry." "Alright... Take care." Noah gave Liam one last kiss just before entering the car and finally left with the hesitation clear on his face.

"I hope everything's going to be fine... How bad can his relationship with his father be?"


"So you've finally returned..."

"That's right... After all, we have something to discuss... Right father?"

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