Chapter 19

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"So I heard you now have friends." Spoke Oliver as we sat on the swings in the park we would always go as kids. "Yeah, surprisingly I made friends once I entered the university. They are all really unique and great people. I'm thankful to have made such good friends." I said and Oliver gave me a small smile but his face soon turned into a thoughtful expression.

"Liam, who was the guy that saved you? Was he your friend or..." He questioned and a small smile appeared on my lips. "He's my friend. Until I answer to his confession at least." His eyes widened and I turned to look at him with eyes full of seriousness. "Don't tell me... You actually like a guy...?" I grabbed a stronger hold of the swing's chain and looked to the ground. "Is it that bad? Can't a boy like another boy? Can't people choose who they love despite the gender?" He didn't answered.

I let out a small sigh and got up ready to leave. "Anyways, it's not as if I was expecting you to accept me for that." Just then, Oliver got a hold of my arm and I gave him a questionable look. "I don't really agree with this perspective, but I'll support you... After all, it's someone my brother loves." My eyes widened and I gave him a big warm smile.

"Oliver?" A feminine voice could be heard from a little bit far away making both me and Oliver turn our heads towards that direction. It was a woman with bright blonde hair and green eyes. "Scarlet? What are you doing here?" Scarlet? Who is she? Wait... Isn't she the woman that was always with my brother? I thought to myself as Oliver got up to greet the woman.

"What do you mean 'what are you doing here'? I was searching everywhere for you only to see you here with that abnormal brother of yours!" Rude much? "Hey, don't call my brother like that." Warned Oliver the girl and I was honestly quite happy about that.

"What? Don't tell me you care about him now?!" "Whatever it is, it doesn't concern you. So stop talking shit about my family." "Wha- What the hell is wrong with you?! You disappeared for two whole days without saying anything! And now you are telling me to fuck off?! Hmph!" She then turned around and walked away with an angry look on her face.

"I'm sorry about that... She's my girlfriend and let's just say she isn't very friendly." Explained my brother letting out a sigh while rubbing the back of his head. I looked at the woman by the name Scarlet who was already far away and clenched my fists.

"I see... Then you should probably go after her. It won't be good if she stays angry at you." "There's no need to-" "It's fine. Don't worry. You go after your girlfriend and I'll go back home. I'll also talk to mom about that so it's okay." I laughed already walking off. "Alright, thanks." He replied softly and then walked away towards the opposite direction.

When I arrived home, I explained to our mother why my brother was missing and then walked inside my room. I closed the door and stood motionless facing the ceiling.

"Abnormal huh?"


The days passed by rather quickly and the day when I had to return back to the university was right before me.

"Well well~ Look who's back." "Long time no see." Greeted me both Alex and Kevin once I entered the University's gate. "Yeah long time no see." I smiled at them and then suddenly, someone warped their arm around my neck. "Yo Liam!" "Ah, Jason! It's been a while." I smiled happy to be around my friends.

"What about me? Aren't you happy to see me?" I heard a very familiar voice and I immediately turned around to face him. "Noah...!" "Yo~" This is it... I can finally give him my answer!

After the first period, I walked towards a very familiar bench, far away from the crowd. My eyes gazing towards the sky. "Hey." I turned to my right to see a smiling Noah. "Hey." I replied with my own smile as he sat beside me. "Where are the others?" "Dunno." He said looking into the distance and I took a deep breath. It's okay Liam... You've got this...

"Hey Noah...?" "Hmm?" He turned to look at me and I could already feel my ears slowly burning hot. "I... I still haven't replied to you confession." "Don't worry about it. You'll reply once you're ready." He began but I immediately turned around to fully face him. "That's what I'm talking about!" His eyes widened seeing my blushing expression. "I...I..." My face felt as if it was on flames, my heart beating faster by the minute. Noah's eyes looked at me focused waiting for an explanation.

I lowered my head and mumbled the words with all the courage I had. "I think I like you..." I refused to raise my head afraid of what could happen. But as soon I said those words, Noah warped tightly his arms around me bringing me into a warm hug. "N-Noah?" "I'm so happy... You have no idea how happy I am right now..." "W-wait, people might see us!" I whisper-yelled and he only tightened the hug. "Just for now... Let me hold just for now..." I flinched at his words as I could hear loudly the beat of my heart. "Looks like all that waiting was worth it." He laughed and I couldn't help but smile.

"Congratulations you bastards!" I flinched at the sudden voice of Jason as I raised my head to see him along with Alex and Kevin standing happily before us. "W-what are y-you talking a-about?!" I questioned nervously with an annoying stutter. "Aren't you two in a relationship now?" Asked Kevin with a smirk and I just hid my face into the palm of my hands. "Yeah~ Liam is now my boyfriend~" Said Noah with a big smile as if he was bragging and honestly, I would be lying if I said that I wasn't happy.

"Isn't that right Liam?" Looked at me Noah with his warm gaze and I gave him my happiest grin.


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