Chapter 6

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Today, everyone is looking at me weirdly. Especially the girls. I wonder why... I thought to myself as I walked through the yard and towards the school building along with Noah. "Hey, you." I turned around to see a short girl with blonde hair in a ponytail and blue eyes glaring at me with hatred. "Who? Me?" "Yes you, you idiot." Talk about rude. "Hey, there's no reason to call him like that." Said Noah stepping in front of me but I just pushed him aside.

"Is there something I can help you with?" I questioned, showing her a smile nonetheless. "Come with me." I looked at Noah and he gave me a confused face. I turned to face the girl who still held the same glare towards me and let out a sigh. "Alright, I'll come." With that we started walking towards the backyard. I guess she wanted us to come to a place with not much people. I wonder what she wants.

"Your name's Liam Walker right?" She asked now no longer glaring but rather holding a poker faced expression. "That's right." "I'll get straight to the point. Stay away from Noah." Huh? "...What do you mean?" "Isn't it obvious? You and Noah are too close to each other lately. What are you? Some kind of homo? Just stay away from him and stop keeping him to yourself." What is she talking about...?

"I mean, if you don't have a problem hearing around a rumour about you being gay, then of course you can continue doing whatever is that you are doing. That is of course, if you want to destroy also Noah's reputation in school." She kept talking with a mocking tone as a smirk was now plastered on her face. My head low and hands trembling in anxiety.

"I'll say this once again. Stay away from Noah." After that, I turned around and left the backyard. A bitter feeling taking over my heart. I was starting to feel dizzy as my breaths were fast and short. I laid on the wall to support my body and after a while I crouched down on the floor. My body started trembling uncontrollably. I was having a seizure. I hated this... I wanted this to stop...

"Liam! Are you okay?! What happened?!" I saw a glimpse of Noah running towards me as people from the hall had surrounded me. "What's going on here?!" Questioned in terror Jason who had just arrived. "He's going to be fine... It's best to leave the seizure to end normally." Explained Noah to Jason who still couldn't understand what was going on. "Someone, go get the doctor!" Yelled Jason with worry clearly in his voice. "I'll go!" I heard a female voice say as Noah and Jason were close to me in a protective manner. "See something interesting? Go back to your classes!" "Alex?" "I'll take care of those morons, you guys take care of your friend."

Once my seizure stopped, I stayed on the floor trying to calm myself down. My breathing slowly going back to normal. "Liam... Are you okay now?" Asked Noah with worry all over his features. I didn't answered. I got up from the floor getting support from the wall. "The doctor is here!" I heard the same girl say with the doctor following behind her. "Are you ok? Can you walk?" Asked the doctor and I nodded at her. "Let's get you to the infirmary." "Wait! Liam!" I turned to look at Noah with an empty gaze. We stayed starting at each other in complete silence until he finally spoke. "Are you really okay?" "Yes... Don't worry about it."


"Are you taking your meds?" "Yes ma'am." "Hmm... Do you have any idea on what caused you to have a seizure now?" I looked at the floor and thought about it for a second. Something in me didn't wanted to tell the truth. "No ma'am. It must be just a random seizure." I answered and she looked at me sceptically. "Have you thought of visiting a psychologist?" I looked at her and nodded. "I have already visited a psychologist many times already." "Was there any progress?" My eyes narrowed looking back at the floor. "I'm... I'm trying..." The doctor gave me a sympathetic look as she placed a hand over my shoulder. "Having epilepsy isn't easy. It can get depressing and scary. It's best to talk to someone you trust and visit regularly your psychologist." Why don't you try telling me something I don't know...

"I'll inform the principal for your condition so you can take a day off. Take care now, okay?" I left the infirmary and walked towards the dorms. Meanwhile on the way, I would avoid crossing paths with both Noah and Jason since it was break time. I didn't wanted to trouble them. If the rumors started going around, who knows what could happen. Just thinking about it makes me nervous...

"Oh? It's you!" I stopped walking, when suddenly a girl with long brown hair and amber eyes appeared in front of me. It was the same girl who called the doctor. "Are you alright now?" "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking." I replied with a smile and she did the same.

"What actually happened to you if I may ask?" "I have epilepsy." I answered her now feeling more confident. Until now, everyone I told about my epilepsy in this university, were really understanding and nice. "Oh, I see... That sounds awful... But... You really are amazing for being able to smile like that even now." She said crossing her arms while giving me a closed-eyed smile.

"You know, Noah was very worried about you." ...He was? No... I shouldn't care. I should stay away from both Noah and Jason from now on. "Are you friends with Noah?" I asked her and she just laughed. "Hahaha, no, everyone knows who Noah is. I actually never talked to him before." "He's that famous huh?" I thought out loud with a saddened face. Who knows what could had happened if the rumors where actually told.

"What about you? Aren't you two close?" She asked after a while and I assumed she wasn't going to leave anytime soon, so may as well chat with her. She looked nice enough at least. "Well about that..." "Oh, that's right! My name is Emily James, nice to meet you." She cut me off and introduced herself with a big smile. "I'm Liam Walker, nice to meet you too." I left the previous matter and introduced myself as well.

"Yeah, I heard about you." She said with a smirk. "You have?" I asked, taken aback by her answer. "Well everyone talks about you. Especially the girls. Soooo?? Are you two dating?? Otherwise why would he be so worried?" I walked backwards as the thought of the other girl spreading the rumors made me scared to the core.

"Where... Where did you heard that?" I asked her and her smile only grew bigger. "Nowhere." Huh? Then what gave her this idea?! "So are you two dating or what?" "N-no! You've got the wrong idea! We are just friends!" I denied everything shaking furiously my hands in denial. "Really? That's too bad... I thought that the two of you were really cute with each other." Exhaled Emily a breath with a disappointed face. I in the other hand was totally confused and embarrassed about her misunderstanding.

"...Why would you even think like that? Isn't it normal to worry about your friends? Also what were the other girls saying about us? Because nothing of those things you said make any sense." "Well yeah, but I really did though that you were together. Noah was spending way more time with you than with his actual best friend. Plus, you guys started hanging out too suddenly! And the way he looks at you with that kind smile is something he never did for anyone! Let alone worry! So like the BL lover I am, I couldn't resist but ship the two of you together!" She explained with a big smile and glittering eyes.

"Also don't worry about the other girls. They are not as weird as I am. They are just jealous of you because you get to hang out with him." At this point, I was more weirded out than anxious of the situation. "Look, me and Noah are just friends. And personally, I believe it's best to not ship people like that because it could make them feel uncomfortable. I wouldn't want to put Noah in a difficult situation, so please understand that we are nothing more than friends." I told Emily as my heart started beating faster than normal. What if she is like the other girl and start causing trouble for my friends?

"You don't want to make Noah uncomfortable with that but what about you? Don't you also feel uncomfortable? Or is it that you actually have feelings for him?" My eyes widened and soon enough I started shaking my head in disagreement. "I don't... Like I said, we are just friends. So please keep that in mind." "I see. I'm sorry if I made you feel weirded out. Your point it bright and clear so don't worry about it. I know that I'm very weird sometimes but I promise you, I'm not a bad person." She laughed with a carefree smile but I couldn't help but feel strange. Do people actually do stuff like that?

"Anyways~~ I'm sure the others will be very happy to see you all safe and sound, so we better go find them~!" She finally suggested grabbing me from my wrist. My eyes widened and I took myself away from her grip. "No. I can't. I should go back to the dorms. After all we already wasted most of the break." "Oh! I see! Then I should just tell them that you are fine. They'll be happy nonetheless! "S-sure..." I said as I watched her walking away. "Ok then, let's meet again alright? Once again sorry for before!" She yelled from afar as I showed her an awkward smile. "I guess, I have to go back now." I should totally stay away from Noah... No matter what...

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