Sweetest Dreams

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Emily coughed into the crook of her elbow for what felt like the millionth time that day. She had been sick for weeks now but still she carried on, doing all the things a good wife does. She knew the painful consequences if everything wasn't perfect.

He'd been coming in later than normal the last few weeks. These days he was barely home in time to tuck Sadie in, something she could always rely on him to do before, even in the worst times. Which is of course why her little girl loved her daddy so much. All she ever saw was the doting father that read her bedtime stories and who drank the overly sweet chocolate milks that she made for him every night. The kid wouldn't go to bed until daddy had finished his treat.

Except it was a lie, just like everything to do with that man was. Emily drank the powdery concoction whenever Sadie was distracted so she didn't know her daddy was lactose intolerant. The truth would break her heart.

Emily sighed as she wiped the kitchen bench. Thankfully she could rest soon, plus her doctor's appointment was tomorrow. This flu was getting worse, not better.

She grabbed the tin of chocolate powder to put it away. When she shook it lightly to see if it was time to buy more, the tin rattled as if something was inside. As Emily opened the lid and peered inside at a small plastic bottle, she felt lightheaded. The skull and crossbones on the bottle glared up at her. Maybe Sadie had understood more than Emily ever realised.

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