Chapter 41: Wait

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The worst part of life is waiting. Waiting for her father to wake up. Waiting for this baby to come. Waiting to return home. And now Mary waited and waited for her husband to appear. It is bedtime and he still hasn't returned. "Where can he be?" she wondered out loud. She pulled at her hair as she thought back to her conversation with Tony and Will. Both of the men had reassured her that he'll be back soon. Well, that was a few hours ago. They had said those words then and in spite of that, he isn't back yet. 

In fact, when she finally did go to bed Charles hadn't come home. Horrible thoughts of him laying mangled somewhere entered her mind, along with thoughts of him being drunk and doing things he shouldn't.  Even as she woke the next morning, and stretched her hand out, his side of the bed is cold. Although, it does appear to have been slept on as the covers on his side are messed up. 

"Where the heck is he? What has gotten into him?" She muttered this to herself as she got out of bed and started to dress. Once Joan had readied her for the day, and she had just sat down to breakfast, Secretary Cromwell paid their apartment a visit. 

The arrogant man eyed the room and Mary with much curiosity. "Where is His Highness? The new Prince should be here too," he stated. Looking around the room for signs of Charles, he found none. He only saw a glass of wine that has not been drunk. 

But Mary, on the other hand, was seriously confused at the man's words. "The new Prince? Sir Cromwell, what are you talking about?" 

For two days in a row, the pontifical man stared at her like she is mental. "Your husband, of course. Where is he?" 

In order to not seem stupid, or unknowing, she simply stated "He's indisposed at the moment. But I'll be sure to pass along any messages."

Seeming put upon, the charmless secretary sat down in a chair. "Alright then. Let's get on with it. As you know you are the heir apparent. Your title of Princess has been restored. You are Princess Mary of Wales and Suffolk. Your husband is known as Prince Charles of Wales and Suffolk. You are both still addressed as His, and Her, Royal Highness." 

He paused to take something out of a folder, which is good because it allowed Mary to process what had been said. In his hand, he produced a formal document. The secretary read from it. "In any eventuality that the King passes away, you will be known as Queen and your husband known as Prince Consort. Your father wants you to know that in the case of any male sons born to him, you will be moved in the line of succession behind the male heir. You do understand all of this correct?"

Of course, she does. She isn't a ninny. "Yes I do and I accept it as well." Truly she wishes this grumpy man to be gone from her presence.

Cromwell nodded his agreement. "Alright then. All of this is written, signed, and sealed in the official record book as well as in the court documents. They have been filed weeks ago. Your father is awake and wishes to see you before you depart today. I will take my leave. I wish you well Princess." He stood up, bowed, collected his things, and left. 

Breakfast momentarily forgotten, she began pacing just as she did the day before. Her mind turned over all of the new information she was just notified of. Her father fully restored her title as Princess and also made Charles a Prince, and technically a Prince Consort. And naturally, she realizes her place is behind any male heirs. She does not begrudge that, but it does rankle her feathers somewhat. However, the thing that has her underpinnings all bunched up is the fact that her husband is now a Prince. That she did not know, just like she doesn't know where the absent man has gotten off to.

The Princess tried to not worry, really she did. She reminded herself to breathe for the new baby's sake. All of these things are out of her control. Her husband is out of her control. So she tried going on with the day, playing with the kids, eating, talking with Dot, overseeing the packing, eating some more, and through it all she wore a smile on her face. But as time drew nearer and nearer to depart the palace, the worry seemed to want to browbeat her into submission. 

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