Chapter 47: Review

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The summer has been, so far, a summer of growth. It has been uncomfortable, messy, and full of all sorts of feelings Charles and Mary weren't expecting. But as both Lady Flora and Doctor Pearce say it's necessary. It's been a time for not only growth, but also one of awareness, progress, and healing. 

Both Brandons are growing together, but coming into themselves as individuals. The whole trauma experience, with the northern rebellion, has made them realize something. Like a caterpillar inside a cocoon, metamorphosing, they have been doing the same. They've been changing all along. They've been feeling it for a while now, but not really knowing what it was. This sense of awakening has been dawning on them since before the rebellion even started. 

There's this gentle simmering that's been sitting there, brewing stronger and stronger. Until it decided to wake them up. They realize they aren't the same people they used to be, Charles especially. The things he used to tolerate are becoming intolerable. For Mary, she's remained quiet for far too long now. Silent about things that bother her really bothers her. They're both beginning to be aware of the value and the power of their voice. 

They're able to do good for their own people of Wales and Suffolk. They want to be able to do so for the kingdom at large. But they can't. Their time is not yet come. Will it ever? If the King has a son, his heir, then they may never have the opportunity to do so. Because the son will follow the same practices as the father. And where Mary also has the same father, her eyes have been opened. Ruling in Wales and Suffolk have taught both Brandon's a lot of things they may have never learned otherwise. However, the caveat to this is the fact they are ruling together. 

If they weren't married, then life could look a whole lot different. They understand their time, energy, and focus are valuable. They no longer need to give some situations their attention like: getting drunk, talking to certain people, getting carried away in trivial pursuits in council meetings, and the general gossip of the peahens of the Royal Court. That's the true mark of maturity— learning when to walk away from particular people and situations that threaten peace, morals, respect, values, and self-worth. Once the eyes are open there's no closing them back, unless ignorance is the goal.

And so the Prince and Princess of Wales and Suffolk bide their time. Continuing to strengthen and grow themselves, their marriage, their provinces, and their support. One such opportunity for allies came with the King of France, Francis I, and the Doge of Genoa in Italy, Battista Lomellini. An envoy of both His Majesty's is being sent to England. In July delegations from both countries will land upon them. 

All of the royal family members and high-ranking nobles of the court will attend. They will be at the welcome banquet and ball to greet the royal envoys. From France will come Princess Madeleine and Prince Charles (which is an area of strangeness for the Prince of Wales because that's also his name— two Prince Charles in the same room will be odd indeed). Representing Genoa is Niccolo Lomellini, the Doge (or Duke) of Genoa's son as well as his brother Gioffredo. 

In late June, Charles and Mary received an invitation from the King to return to the palace. Although it was more of a demand. "You must return to London at once, to help prepare for the arrival of the French and Genoan delegations." His Highness threw the letter in the fire and watched it burn. 

His wife chuckled. They were both loathe to return to London, especially in the summer. The heat makes the stench of the city almost unbearable. Mary wanted her husband's opinion. "What do you think will be accomplished with this French and Genoan coalition?"

He's unsure, except maybe "Our children betrothed." He sat back down and laid his head in her lap.

Thinking this is most likely to be true, Mary gave him her opinion. "Hmm... Perhaps so. But I don't think any of  King Francis's children have had children of their own yet. I don't necessarily want to marry our children off to France at present, especially Gillian. I don't want her to be the older one in the marriage. On the other hand, I heard the Doge has a son that was born a year ago. She could be betrothed to him. What are your thoughts?"

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