Chapter 4 - Imran

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When my father asked if I had someone in mind that I wanted to marry, I told him yes but I would like to confirm from the person first.

"Alright then, keep me in touch" he had said, wearing a broad smile on his face.

"Okay dad" I had huffed and then headed straight to my room with my mind filled with Siyyama's thought.

I had never fallen in love with a woman like her before. Of course I had admires, a lot of them but none of them was like her to me.

She was slim, beautiful, religious, kind, intelligent... words can't even describe how perfect she was to me. She was the woman of my dream.

Sadly, she didn't love me the way I loved her. Whenever I talk to her about love, she would tell me we could only be friends. Perhaps she had someone in mind, but who could that be?

I had never known her with any guy before and she had never told me she was in love with somebody else. Perhaps she wasn't ready for love yet or she had different view about love?

Whatever the case may be, I would like to approach her once again. This time around I would do it right. Perhaps, I would be able to convince her into falling in love with me...

I heaved a sigh as I dropped the files and car keys I had in my hands on the bedside table. I then went to the bathroom and performed ablution before returning back to my room in order to pray.

After praying I changed into a jallabiya and hopped unto the bed. Then I picked my phone, turned on the data and waited patiently as new messages began coming up from my WhatsApp.

They all appeared to be replies from my earlier status about my arrival back home (i.e to Nigeria). I huffed and began replying some of them, especially from my homies. I couldn't believe they were already preparing to throw a welcome party for me.

Anyways, I shook my head with a smile and swiped to Siyyama's profile. She was offline, probably resting by now. I then sent her an offline message asking if we could meet the following day before turning off my data.

Hopefully, she would reply me when she come online later or perhaps tomorrow. I just pray she shouldn't turn my request down, now that we were home. You know, there is a difference between being at home and away from home.

Just when I was about keeping my phone aside in order to rest, the phone began ringing. It was a call from Siyyama, thus I quickly picked it up.

"I thought you've dozed off already ai" I sarcastically said while smiling.

"Hmm, no... wallahi gist muketa yi da su Baba. How about you?" she asked.

"About sleeping ma kenan call d'in ki ya shigo" I said.

"Oh, eyyah. Actually it's about your message on WhatsApp, you said you want us to meet tomorrow koh?" she said.

"Yeah, or are you going to be busy?" I asked.

"Well, not really but ka bari jibi kawai. I want to have a broad rest tomorrow In Shaa Allah" she said.

"Alright then, ba matsala" I said.

We then talked for few more minutes before we bade each other goodnight.

The following day I woke up late, but that didn't stop me from going back to bed again after praying and taking my breakfast. I was exhausted, you know? The long haul flight we had from U.K was already taking its toll on me.

I slept until it was quarter to twelve, then I woke up and took a warm shower.

While rubbing some cream on my body, Hajiya Farida salaamed into my room. She was well dressed as if she was going out.

"AsSalama Alaykum, Imran" she greeted.

"Wa'alaykumus Salam" I responded.

"Fita zaka yi haka?" she asked wrinkling a brow at me.

"No, but I don't know if..." I said as she cut in,

"If you are not going anywhere then I would like you to drive me to my friend's house please. Musa is out with your dad, and Sagir is very busy right now. Ni kuma gaskiya I don't feel like driving today" she said.

"Okay, ba matsala. Let me dress up sai inzo in kaiki inda zaaki" I said.

"Alright, thank you. I will wait for you in the parking lot" she said and left.

Immediately I was done preparing, I went out and met her in the parking lot. There I saw the Lamborghini gifted to me by my dad, it was well covered. I didn't even have time to check it yet.

"Here!" she threw me the keys of her SUV, almost hitting me on my head. "Sorry" she apologized giggling.

"It's okay!" I said smiling as I catched the keys.

We then walked over to the SUV and hopped in. 

While I sat in the driver's seat, she sat at back wearing her face mask on. I didn't know why people still use that thing, I mean... I thought covid was over?

Anyways, I started the car and off we went. 

Upon arriving at our destination, she hopped out and said something to me but I didn't hear her well because her mouth was covered. And before I could tell her to repeat what she said, she had already entered the gate of the house.

I had no other option but to wait, so I waited until few minutes later a young lady wearing hijab came out of the house and asked if I was Imran. I nodded in affirmative. She then smiled and told me Hajiya Farida said I should come inside.


Sorry for not updating yesterday, my phone was totally down throughout the day until late in the night. We had a blackout that was why. Trust you are all fine?

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