Chapter 7 - Minal

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With Goggo Sabuwa coming soon, we didn't wait long before we started cooking lunch. And after cooking, I went to my room to rest while mom and Ya Siyyama arranged the dining table.

I sat comfortably on my bed with my legs stretched and my back leaning on the headboard. I then began operating my phone, going through the social media apps I signed into and checking the new notifications there.

Shortly after, I began feeling sleepy. I dropped the phone on the bedside table and yawned while stretching my hands before adjusting into a laying position.

While sleeping, I felt a soft touch on one of my legs. I reacted absentmindedly without opening my eyes. I then felt it again but this time around it wasn't just a touch, it was a grip.

I overreacted and woke up. Thus I found Abdullah, Goggo Sabuwa's last born sitting right next to me on the bed while wearing a mischievous smile on his face.

"Kai, ...Abba? Are you out of you mind?" I grabbed one of my pillows and began hitting him with it as he withdrew from the bed.

"Hhhhh, it's... it's okay now" he said laughing scornfully, "I was just pulling a prank on you"

"Prank? Didn't I warn you before to stop messing with me whenever you come?" I withdrew from the bed as well standing angrily in front of him, "When did you even come and for how long have you been here?" I asked.

"Ah, look at who's angry. Hmm, it's me o... abokin wasan ki. Or have you forgotten you used to do the same to me whenever you come to our house?" he said.

"But that was some years back!" I glared at him, "Now things have changed, we are grown ups now. I don't need to remind you again" I folded my arms across my chest, looking away.

"Okay I am sorry, I won't do that again Mi Lady" he teased.

"That's what you said last time, yet you did it again. By the way I am not your lady, save that for your future wife" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Hhhhh" he laughed out loud.

"You are laughing?" I frowned at him.

"Sorry" he sarcastically held his lips for a second before dropping his hand and began scrutinizing my body, "Someone's future wife is growing more beautiful day by day" he commented.

"And how is that your concern?" I eyed him.

"Just say THANK YOU, since it's a complement" he posed as he slid his hands into his trousers' pockets.

"You know what? Leave my room, ka fita kafun in kira maka Mommy" I threatened him to leave else I would call our mom for him.

"Ah, why now? Anyways I know she won't even say anything, I told her I was coming here and she allowed me" he said as I screamed,


"Like seriously?" he wrinkled a brow at me.


"Okay, sorry... I will leave. But don't you think it's a bit harsh to send your husband out of your room?" he teased.

"Husband?" I smirked at him, "Har kai ka isa ka zama miji na? When did they even born you?" I asked with my arms akimbo and continued, "Remember I am two months older than you, and that makes me your elder sister" 

"Yes but that can't stop me from being your husband ko? Age is just number, remember?" he said as I snapped at him,

"Age is not just number my friend, nafi karfin ka wallahi" I said eyeing him.

"Kin fi karfi na a meye? Physical combat ko... bedroom fight?" he said giggling, and that made me to drop my jaw in bewilderment. I knew exactly what he meant by his words.

"Abdul what did you just say?" I asked but he didn't respond, he just kept giggling at me. "Toh ka sani, maganar ka tamkar a kunnen Mommy ne dan sai na gaya mata!" I said about going to report him when he held my arm.

"Why now? Me and you na five and six, remember?" he said thinking I was joking but as I struggled to extricate from his grip while showing seriousness, he quickly began begging me.

But I didn't stop struggling to pull away until he promised to leave my room as soon as I stop and also change my mind.

"Fine then!" I said and stopped.

"Thank you" he chuckled looking at me somehow.

"Wawa kawai" I muttered and told him to leave that instant before I change my mind.

"Okay... okay" he sarcastically said and left.

I then hissed and shut the door off.

I didn't know what had gotten into him but I think it would be better if I talk some senses into him. Or perhaps I should have Ya Siyyama do that for me since he wasn't taking me serious.

He was my cousin and also my childhood friend. We used to play a lot when we were kids and even when we were teenagers.

People would often call us twins whenever they see us together. However things started changing when we began running our degree programs.

He went as far as UNILAG in the south for his studies while I stayed here in the north.

We only used to see each other during public holidays like Eids and Christmas breaks, but that didn't change anything. We were still growing apart.

And now, things had changed totally at least for me because the things I regarded as nothing before were now something big to me the fact that we were no longer kids.

As for him, he just didn't care. There was a time he turned our normal welcoming hug into something, and nearly kissed me but that day I showed him I wasn't the type of girls he'd met in UNILAG.

I warned him never to do that again if not I would make sure that marks the end of our friendship forever and... and ever!

Hopefully, he wouldn't do that again.


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