Chapter 10 - Imran

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"Juma'at Mubarak"

Came Barirah's text message the moment I finished my morning prayer. Then I smiled and wished her the same.

Suddenly, her call bounced in. And when I picked up she asked how I was doing, to which I told her I was fine. "And you?" I asked.

"Same here" she replied. "Have you eaten breakfast already, ko in girka in kawo maka?" she asked. 

"Hmm, I'm about to. Ba sai kin wahalar da kanki ba" I replied.

"Wahalar da kaina kuma? Kamar ya, wahalar da kaina?" she huffed and continued, "Whatever good I do to you, Allah will reward me abundantly ai. So it's not about suffering myself, it's about earning reward from Allah"

"Toh, Mallama Barirah" I sarcastically said.

"Hmm, just call me Barirah" she said.

"Why not Mallama?" I said as she snapped at me,

"No please, just call me with my name" she insisted.

"Okay then" I said in defeat.

"Good. See you later, I have some work to do now" she said.

"Alright" I gulped.

"Bye" she said.

"Bye" I muttered.

After the call, I dropped my phone on the bed and went into the bathroom to take my bath. I was already used to doing that before eating my breakfast.

When I was done, I went downstairs to the dining room and found my dad and Hajiya Farida eating. Thus, I greeted and joined them.

"When are you going to start supervising your filling station?" Dad asked.

"Next week In Shaa Allah" I responded.

"Good. If you go there, Mallam Garba will guide you on how to run it" he said.

"Okay dad" I nodded in acknowledgement.

"Bismillah!" he said as he stood from his chair, "I have to go now" he continued, "Farida please help me with this to the car" he handed over his suitcase to her.

"Okay Alhaji" she said as she humbly collected the suitcase from him.

"Be a good boy" he brushed my hair with his hand.

"Okay dad" I smiled.

"Good" he said and left, with Hajiya Farida escorting him with his suitcase.

When she came back, she told me she would be traveling to Dubai soon with Alhaji. "It's about my jewelry business" she added.

"Wow, nice" I said smiling.

"Thank you" she smiled back.

After eating, I went to my room and changed into one of my best caftans. I knew the kinds of clothes Siyyama wants, so I made sure I wore something she would love since I would be going to see her today.

On this day, I would be asking her out again. Hopefully, she would accept me and we would start talking about getting married soon. My long awaiting dream! I smiled, staring at my reflection in the mirror.

When I was done, I picked my Lamborghini keys and headed straight to Hajiya Farida's compartment.

Before I could even tell her where I was going, she had already asked where I was heading to. "To a friend's house, bazan dade ba" I said.

"Okay, a dawo lafiya" she said.

"Alright" I uttered and left.

While driving around, all eyes was on me. I could read people's expression as they WOWED at the sight of my car. Well, the price of the car alone could make some people rich forever. So definitely, people would WOW when they see it.

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