Chapter 2

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The blaring of his phone's alarm distracted Izuku enough that the small scissors jerked in his grasp, snipping off the corner of the news clipping.

"Noooo... now I'll have to get another newspaper from the supermarket before they run out."

Izuku smoothed out the clipping in his hands. Thankfully, it didn't ruin the picture of Katsuki's unamused frown as he stood next to Commissioner Totsubashi for a press release of his most recent case. Izuku smiled down at the older version of the boy he had grown up with for most of his childhood.

"Another job well done, Kacchan. I knew you would make an outstanding detective."

Izuku carefully slipped the clipping into the simple journal. It was rather inconspicuous, but filled with different newspaper clippings and printed images that all related to one, Katsuki Bakugo. Izuku wasn't a stalker or anything, though. It was a rather innocent situation, really. Back when Izuku was required to follow Mr. Shigaraki around, a passing thought that Katsuki would have recently graduated came to mind, like an afterthought that came and went in the moment of his boredom.

But that innocent thought had piqued Izuku's curiosity, wiggling into his subconscious for days after, until Izuku finally gave in and looked the other boy up on social media, if only to shut his mind up. Seeing the pictures that were posted by auntie of Katsuki grinning, his arms wrapped around friends Izuku had never met, his parents smiling in the background, holding a celebratory bouquet to congratulate his son. It was so picturesque and perfect that Izuku had pulled the images up again and again until he finally printed them out put them into the small journal. So he wasn't stalking really, it was just curiosity on Izuku's part. Izuku was a silent observer as he lived vicariously through his childhood friend, who had accomplished all of his dreams. Every achievement, every milestone. Izuku shared from afar, he celebrated when Katsuki entered the Policy Academy and stressed when Katsuki recovered in the hospital from a minor accident. Every girlfriend, every birthday, dinners, awards, promotions.

It was both thrilling and excruciating at the same time. It was a vicious cycle that Izuku was unwilling to let go of all these years later. Like a scabbed wound that Izuku couldn't help picking at until it reopened and bled out.

So, he wasn't a stalker, Izuku reasoned. And Katsuki wasn't the most active in social media anyway, so most of the pictures were from his auntie's social media and Katsuki's best friend, so Izuku didn't bother to look that often. It was only on those rare days when Izuku's phone would ping with a notification. When Katsuki would decide to post a random selfie that Izuku would fall back into his bad habits, filling his scrap book with every piece of information he could come across.

Katsuki was just part of a life that Izuku had long since abandoned, so he was just happy to see him happy, that was all.

Izuku left the journal in its usual place by his nightstand and went through his warm-ups to prepare for the day. It was more out of habit than because he needed it, but it was so ingrained in his bones at this point that if Izuku missed even a day, he would feel off which only aggravated his thoughts, making his anxiety spike at the smallest provocation. So Izuku didn't bother to stop at this point as he finished his sets, his body waking up as he sat up, wiping the bit of sweat he had built up with his shirt. A quick shower and Izuku went through the struggle of looking through his meager clothing choices as the morning sun peeked through his closed binds.

"I guess the sweater?"

Izuku plucked the baggy sweater that he had picked out in one of the nearby thrift shops. Most of his newish clothes were baggy and oversized. It wasn't a fashion choice, but Izuku found that most people seemed uncomfortable with his build and with the scars. Well, Iida had described him once as a scary thug that looked like he was going to mug someone. Ochako had smacked him after that comment and tried to reassure Izuku afterwards that he wasn't that scary looking, but Izuku worried she was just trying to make him feel better. Even though the weather was already warm, he went with the sweater. He tried to style his hair to something more presentable for today, but Izuku's curls were uncooperative, the sides already growing out. He'd need to save up for another visit to the barber soon.

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