Chapter 14

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The night clung to Izuku like an old, unwanted coat as the moon played hide and seek behind heavy clouds. He stepped out of the sleek black car that shimmered like a shadow come to life. Katsuki was beside him, his suit all rage and night - sharp in reds and blacks. Izuku's own attire whispered of shadows and whispers, with dark green and muted tones wrapping around his imposing figure.

The manor stood like an uninvited memory, cold and distant. Flickering lanterns illuminated the manor with gleaming modern architecture, glass, and steel. The enormous walls whispered echoes of the past, entwined with secrets he wished had stayed buried. Izuku's gaze bore the disdain of ages; his eyes were like twin storm clouds, heavy with suppressed fury.

"Back here again..." his voice was a chill wind through a graveyard.

Katsuki locked his gaze on him, equal parts steel and smoldering fire. "Stay focused. We know what we're here to do," he commanded, his voice grating like a growl through gravel.

They moved, shadows inching closer to a past Izuku wished he could shred apart. Katsuki's arm entwined around him, a bond both fake and more real than the surrounding night. He barely acknowledged it; the mask of indifference couldn't falter now.

Kaina was a specter in a black dress that seemed to drink in the light. Her practiced smile, a ghost of genuine warmth in her eyes. "Izuku, Katsuki, it's good to see you."

Izuku felt his heart thud like a drumbeat to a dirge. He was almost surprised it was still there. "Where is Eri?" His words were sharp shards of ice.

A brief flicker crossed Kaina's face before she replied, "She's safe inside. Ochako and Iida will join you for dinner."

The air around Izuku seemed to freeze, a cold front moving in around him. His eyes were twin blades. "Kaina, make sure you watch Eri closely."

She nodded, and as they continued towards the entrance, Izuku felt Katsuki close to him. There was a kinship, a strange comfort in the presence of someone as fiercely driven as he was. Someone who didn't shy away from the fires within.

Izuku felt the shadows of the manor reaching for him. The large doors loomed, a gate to a chapter he'd tried to close. His hand, for the briefest moment, formed a fist, a talisman against the ghosts beckoning him inside. Control, that elusive creature, slithered back into his grip as his face settled back into a mask.

Stepping into the hallway felt like diving into a heavy sea. Izuku felt the atmosphere all around him, the unmistakable sensation of shining steel and a sterile smell. The walls rose around him, adorned with modern art, their sharp angles gleaming ominously under the pallid light. The scent of fresh lacquer and chemicals clung to the air, a nauseating perfume of pretense and deception. Shadows danced, their silent waltz punctuated by the flicker of dim bulbs above.

Katsuki's arm slithered around Izuku's waist, his grip steady, an anchor amidst the growing storm. He leaned into Izuku, his body radiating a warmth that was at odds with their cold surroundings. His closeness was an illusion of safety, a part of their role, yet a comfort Izuku begrudgingly admitted he needed.

"We must be vigilant and remember the roles we need to play here," Izuku whispered, his voice barely cutting through the stifling air.

Katsuki's nod was almost imperceptible, his agreement silent as he pressed his lips against Izuku's temple. The touch was a challenge and a promise, a claim cloaked in the pretense of their charade.

Like a wraith, Toga appeared from around the corner. Her eyes glowed with mischievous delight as they found Izuku, her red lips curling into a sly grin. "Izuku, darling, how I've missed you," she purred, her words slithering through the tense air.

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