Chapter 15

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Katsuki's apartment had taken on the frantic energy of a military command center over the days leading up to the mission. Katsuki, who turned out to be a freakin' master chef when the mood struck, was bossing around pots and pans like it was nobody's business. The people in the apartment were an odd assortment, but Katsuki had to admit it was beginning to feel like they fit together in an odd way.

The tantalizing aroma of Katsuki's culinary masterpieces - tender, spiced meats coupled with vibrant sizzling veggies - served as a temporary antidote to the suffocating anxiety. Finishing the final touches on his makeshift banquet, Katsuki scanned the chaos. Hawks rummaged through cupboards like a trespassing raccoon; Izuku and Kaina indulged in a spirited conversation that threatened to transcend Katsuki's tolerance for intellectual banter. Aizawa, Mirai, and Momo hunched over schematics in the living room, resembling conspirators more than allies. Shoto shuffled through documents like a man on a Where's Waldo quest.

Katsuki's instincts roared to life as his eyes landed on Hawks' hand, inching towards a succulent piece of grilled chicken. "Oi! Hands off! You touch my chicken, and you'll be the main course!"

Hawks backtracked, hands airborne, and a cocky smirk plastered on his face. "Just admiring the chef's work, boss."

Leaning against the kitchen counter like a disgruntled scarecrow, Dabi sighed. "Would've preferred a rabid raccoon as my partner over him," he murmured, making no effort to whisper.

"C'mon, prince of gloom. Lighten up," Hawks retorted with a cheeky wink.

"My charm is simply... understated," Dabi shot back, the scowl on his face deepening.

As the unconventional team congregated around the table, Dabi shed his sour demeanor for the sake of business. He narrowed his eyes at Hawks and started the tactical rundown for the impending charity ball.

"I have you on my roster as security detail," he said, his stern glance adding an unspoken 'don't botch this.' "Your actual task is to ensure Katsuki and Izuku receive their earpieces. They're their lifelines. Aizawa's puppeteering from behind the scenes - so they need those pieces."

In response, Hawks shot a sloppy salute, but Katsuki spotted the glint of unyielding determination beneath the jester's mask. Hawks was a sharp blade, always prepared to strike.

Finished with setting the table, Katsuki joined the eclectic ensemble to eat. He observed each member, each critical to the imminent operation, this motley crew of varied backgrounds and diverse talents.

As they continued to dig into the food, Katsuki noticed Izuku's expression change. His green eyes seemed to focus on something far away, as if he were looking back through time. He talked about the charity balls, how they were when All For One was in charge, and how he expected things to be under Tomura.

Dabi, meanwhile, rummaged through a drawer and produced a marker. He made his way to the dry erase board situated against the far wall and started sketching a rough layout of the estate. Katsuki found himself engrossed as Dabi outlined rooms, halls, and passages, giving shape to Izuku's words.

"The estate is the face of the operation. The charity ball is happening on the main floor," Izuku started, pointing at the top of the sketch. "But what we're really interested in is what lies beneath the estate."

Dabi circled the basement area and divided it into sections. "Right beneath the estate, we have the Gold Level. This is where illegal auctions are held, run by Wolfram Silverstein. He's dangerous, so it's best to avoid any confrontation with him," Dabi added.

Katsuki's forehead creased as he tried to make sense of this new piece of information. "How do they keep track of who has access to the lower levels?" he asked, his tone laced with frustration.

~BNHA~ Burning Hunger WithinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora