Chapter 17

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The metallic tang of sweat and blood pervaded the air of the underground fighting ring, an olfactory symphony that brought Izuku back to memories best left forgotten. He could hear the distant hum of the crowd even from the locker room as he wrapped his knuckles tightly. The rough texture of the bandages pressed against his skin, grounding him against the trembling in his hands—not from fear of the fight, but of its dire implications.

The weight of the situation made his breaths come sharper, shallower. The morality of the impending brawl gnawed at his insides. Yet with each step that brought him closer to the arena, he felt the electrical charge of the audience's bloodlust. The cacophony of bets being placed was nearly deafening, with voices rising to support their favored fighters.

Izuku's green eyes darted upwards, catching fleeting glimpses through the smoky haze of the dim lighting. There, framed against the dim glow, stood three figures: Katsuki, his face a mask of tension; Eri, her tiny fingers wrapped around the railing; and the ever-ominous silhouette of Tomura. Katsuki's gaze was a tangible weight, a mix of worry and silent encouragement. Eri's unwavering faith was clear even from this distance, but it was Tomura's unreadable stare that sent a shiver down his spine.

Izuku's footfalls echoed hollowly as he stepped onto the cold, gritty floor of the cage, a chilling reminder of past duels. The crowd's roars surged, cresting with a unified chant of "Bunny!" His moniker, once a source of pride, now felt like a heavy chain, pulling him back into this world of violence.

Opposite him, the hulking shadow of his adversary loomed large. The man seemed more a force of nature than a human, muscles carved from battles and grueling training. Tattoos adorned his form, each a testament to victories and perhaps even defeats. The most striking was the serpent, which seemed almost animated as it wound around his torso, its head poised menacingly on his biceps. The man's eyes, dark and unyielding, locked onto Izuku's, brimming with the thrill of challenge.

"So, you're the famed Bunny," the brute sneered, every word dripping with derision. "Heard you hopped out of the ring for good. I've been itching to crush you under my feet, and it seems today's my lucky day."

Breathing steadily, Izuku tried to push aside the taunting, focusing instead on the fight ahead. He knew this giant wanted more than a win; he wanted to prove who was the real champion.

The bell's clang heralded the start. Izuku was fluid, weaving around the cage, evading the brute's powerful swings. But a sudden, treacherous spit aimed at his eyes momentarily blurred his vision. It granted his opponent a golden opportunity to deliver a blow to Izuku's side. The crowd gasped collectively, and even from here, Izuku thought he heard a stifled cry from Katsuki.

His adversary laughed, voice dripping with mockery. "Thought you'd be tougher, Bunny. Maybe legends fade after all."

Recovering swiftly, Izuku used the momentum to launch a fierce kick, catching the giant off-guard. Their dance was raw and relentless, a deadly ballet of power against agility, each fighter's resolve tested with every exchanged blow.

From the corner of his eye, Izuku saw Tomura lean forward, a smirk playing on his lips. The stakes had never felt higher.

Tension crackled in the air. Both fighters, slick with sweat and smeared with blood, craved victory. For Izuku, however, this wasn't a test of pride; it was a desperate dance between survival and his haunting morals.

Seizing a fleeting lapse in his opponent's defense, Izuku unleashed a flurry of punches, each more rapid and ferocious than the last. But the behemoth swiftly retaliated. With a swift move, he ensnared Izuku in a vice-like grip, their muscles straining in a fierce struggle for dominance.

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