Chapter 16

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Katsuki slid into the room, feeling the snug fit of his black suit against his frame. The patterns on the jacket felt exactly right, as did the sharp cut of the trousers. *Nailed it,* he thought with a smirk.

Izuku, previously lost in some thought by the kitchen, nearly spat out the water he was sipping. Katsuki's grin widened at that sight. *Got him.*

Without missing a beat, Katsuki closed the gap between them. Pinning Izuku lightly against the counter, he dove in, claiming his lips with his own. The kiss was every bit the power play he intended it to be.

Drawing back, he chuckled at Izuku's dazed expression. "Ready for the ball?" Katsuki asked.

Katsuki felt a triumphant thrill run down his spine, noticing Izuku's flushed face and slightly parted lips. "Something wrong, Deku?" he drawled, a wolfish grin etched on his face. Using the old nickname was deliberate,

Izuku tried to push him away, but there wasn't much conviction in the movement. "You think you're so clever, don't you, Kacchan?" he retorted, using Katsuki's own childhood moniker. His eyes, however, betrayed him — swirling with a mix of challenge and something softer.

Katsuki leaned in again, breath ghosting Izuku's ear. "I think," he whispered, "that I've caught the great Bunny off guard. Again."

Pulling back to appraise Izuku's now disheveled form, Katsuki quirked an eyebrow. "You're going to have to fix your tie now," he observed cheekily.

Izuku glanced down at the tie, which had become skewed in their little tussle. A sigh escaped him. "Look what you've done. We're going to be late."

Katsuki laughed softly. "You blaming me? You should've been prepared for my killer looks," he quipped, shooting a wink Izuku's way.

Rolling his eyes but smiling despite himself, Izuku straightened his tie. "Let's get going, then. We've got a big night ahead of us."

"Oh, trust me," Katsuki replied with a smirk, opening the door, "I'm more than ready."

Katsuki eyed the estate from the window of their sleek black car. If he had a choice, he would never set foot in this place again, but as luck would have it, the mission required him to do just that.

Yet as the car snaked its way up the driveway, even Katsuki had to admit they'd transformed the estate since that evening. Where it once felt imposing, now it exuded an air of elegance and regality that was hard to ignore. The grounds, previously bare and minimalist, now boasted manicured lawns kissed by threads of silvery mist. Most strikingly grand statues that hadn't been there before now loomed over the entrance gates, their stony faces watching over every arrival with an unyielding gaze.

"They really went all out this time," Katsuki muttered, more to himself than anyone else.

"That's how these things usually go, a farce of sophistication on the outside to cover up the rot inside," Izuku said.

The subdued hum of conversations and the soft echo of music reached Katsuki's ears as they neared the ornate gates of the estate. Aizawa's name flashed on Katsuki's phone as it buzzed.

"Bakugou," Aizawa's voice was the familiar tone of all business.

Katsuki responded curtly, "At the entrance now."

"Remember, Hawks will seek you out once you're inside. First contact is crucial," Aizawa instructed.

"Yeah, yeah. You're a worse nag than the old hag, you know that?"

Aizawa didn't even bother to acknowledge Katsuki's words as he continued like he hadn't opened his mouth.

"Scope out the lobby floor. Get a feel for exits, entries, guards, and the works. We won't know if you'll get another chance once Tomura ushers you to the lower levels." Aizawa's tone underscored the importance of the task.

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