Chapter 9

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Katsuki had hoped that the new information would be enough to pique Aizawa's interest, but it had done the opposite. Aizawa wanted something tangible. He didn't want ghost stories.

His words.

And with the second murder, Katsuki had been biting at the bit to head out to the crime scene. The problem was he never even made it past the doors before Aizawa had pulled him into his office and told him to drop Emiko's case. Katsuki may have lost his cool soon after by slamming the door shut so loud it rattled through the office.

But he didn't regret a damn thing.

"You're on desk duty until further notice!"

Aizawa's poisonous words still stung at Katsuki's ears as he stomped back to his cubicle. Kiri the bastard was probably already at the crime scene, so Katsuki dialed his number to get whatever information he could. As soon as Kiri came on the line, Katsuki was already hounding for the very information that was denied to him.

"So what happened with Aizawa?" Kiri asked.

"I'm leashed until further notice." Katsuki said.

He had attempted a whinier imitation of Aizawa, his petty self already coming out in waves as he glared at anyone who even looked his way.

"What did you find?" Katsuki asked.

"Definitely similar to our last Vic." Kiri said.

Katsuki pulled a notepad as he prepared to jot down anything his partner offered.

"What do we have? Do they look the same?"

"Kida Ayase, 24 years old. Much older than Emiko Ito. Her father is a pretty well known business man too. Both vics don't appear to have any known connection, and they didn't run in the same crowds." Kiri said.

Katsuki cursed. This wasn't what he was hoping to hear. If there were no link or similarities to the two, then it would be harder to build a profile on their killer.

"Cause of death?"

"Tsuyu already confirmed that it was by strangulation, so that's another difference." Kiri said.

"Then what the hell is the same?" Katsuki yelled.

His partner chuckled through the line and Katsuki, fed up with Aizawa, didn't have time to deal with Kiri's teasing today.

"There's no confirmation that it's an exact match until Tsuyu looks her over, but I noticed precise cuts all throughout her body. They're pretty similar to Emiko's, so there's a chance we may have at least one MO if it's the same guy." Kiri said.

Katsuki's gut turned. This was what they were looking for. It wasn't enough. Not by a long shot, but everything was telling him that there was something there if he just kept digging.

"What about stomach content?" Katsuki asked.

"Already ahead of you. Tsuyu will send us a report first thing tomorrow, but if we're lucky, then it will match Emiko and we'll have a second MO."

"Maybe I'll check in with Tsuyu tonight before talking to Izuku. See if she can speed up the process. We can't waste time right now." Katsuki said.

There was a pause from the other end, which stretched long enough for Katsuki to notice the awkwardness.

"What is it?" Katsuki asked.

"I thought he told you to stay away?" Kiri asked.

Katsuki glared at his desk, the reminder of Izuku's blatant rejection was still a sore spot for Katsuki and if it had been anyone else, he would have accepted the rejection in stride and moved on without so much as a fuss, but this was Izuku they were talking about.

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