Chapter 3

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"Stupid fucking Deku."


"With his smug fucking face, think he can look down on me!"

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

"I'll show him...... Fucking irritating piece of shit..."


"I'll make him beg me to be his friend! "


"And then I'll kill him! "

Katsuki continued his muttering rants as he emptied the clip into the target sheet in front of him. Once he was done with his first round, Katsuki went through the soothing process of sliding the empty magazine out of his 9mm handgun. If Deku thought he could get away with talking to him that way, he had another thing coming. He'd make him apologize after accepting his apology if it was the last thing Katsuki did.

"Did you get it all out of your system?" Kirishima asked.

The red head was leaning back into the chair lining the back wall, a basket of muffins resting next to him as he took another bite.

Katsuki didn't dignify his friend with a response as he glared at him while his lips turned down into a regular scowl as he reloaded his gun and turned back to emptying it into the target sign.

"I'll take that as a no!" Kirishima chuckled over the deafening sounds of Katsuki's gun firing off.

The amount of anger brewing under the surface after Katsuki had left Izuku's apartment was enough to keep him fuming for most of the night and in to the early hours of the day. When it didn't subside by that point, Katsuki had resorted to his therapist's suggestion of cooking for tension release.

So Katsuki had baked muffins. It was therapeutic and helped on most days. Something about the methodical process of prepping his ingredients and putting them together step by step helped Katsuki feel in control of something when he felt out of control of everything else. But after a few dozen muffins, cookies and four apple turnovers. Katsuki was still ready to explode. So he went to his last resort and let his aggression out at the firing range. Kirishima didn't mind in the slightest as he continued to devour the rare treats with enthusiastic glee painted all over his gluttonous face.

At some point, during Katsuki's second round, he heard the idiot duo's excited cries for muffins while Kirishima offered them each one.

"Yay! Angry Katsuki means delicious food for us!!" Denki shouted.

Katsuki's brow twitched, most days Denki irritated the fuck out of him, but Katsuki still would call the yellow ball of energy a friend and his comments always brought on a double layer of annoyance and amusement to him that differed from the simmering frustration he held today. But today it only fueled it.

"The secret ingredient is hatred." Sero joked.

Katsuki finished up his round before putting his gun away. He dragged the target sheet over to him. It was still in tack with a large hole where the middle used to be. He could say with all honestly, his specialty was his marksmanship being the top of his class at the Academy.

"So, who pissed you off this time?" Denki asked.

Kirishima gave a cheeky grin as he eyed him looking over the muffins. Katsuki considered if he had the stomach to eat one muffin, he had little appetite at the moment, but he also had minimal sleep so he knew he needed the energy to make it through the day.

"He got rejected." Kiri said.

The laughter that came from the other two grated on Katsuki's nerves enough that in their distractions, he snatched his offers straight out of their hands.

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