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Antonio was eight years old when his little sister, Isabella, was born, and was nine when he was sent away to his grandparents house in Europe while his parents were in the process of getting an divorce. The last thing he heard from his mother, was her screaming about how sad his father's life was and how she didn't want to be suck with him any longer, to say he was a little mad was an understatement, nine was also the age he dropped all contact with his mother, who was desperate to get him back after two long years of moving away from Forks, and finalizing the divorce with his father. Was he being a little petty? Did he understand where his mother was coming from? Yeah, he does admit that he hates Forks, just or even more than his mother did, but he loved his father more than anything. The man made sure he spent quality time with his son whenever he could, and he was friends with a man that had the cutest son that he's only seen through pictures that Charlie had sent him. When he left, he missed his father, but nothing could compare to how free he felt when he was living with his grandparents.

They were rich, in an old money type of situation. They didn't agree with Renee's marriage, and disowned her, but they didn't mind keeping in contact with their only grandchild at the time. His life was great in England, he got to attend a private school, and even go on vacations that he would've never been on if he was still with his father, but he was older now. It's about time he needed to face his fears, and return to see his father for once. It was an last second decision, his phone calls with his father opening his eyes to the fact he's never properly met his little sister since he left a few months after she was born, and his mother took her away when she left, so he had no way to talk to her unless it was during one of her summertime visits. He didn't know if this was something he should go forward with, he did have a good thing going still in England, but he did miss his father, would love to properly meet his sister, and reconcile with his mother who he has since forgiven. While he was worried about this, his phone was going off the hook, the touchscreen vibrating loudly against the Mahogany wooden desk he was supposed to be working on.

"Antonio, can you please answer the phone? It's been ringing nonstop for the past hour or so." A woman, Isla, finally spoke up after poking her head through the home office door that Antonio was working in, "at this rate it'll wake up Kyrie, you know how sensitive her ears are to sound right now." She didn't sound like she was upset, but there was a hint of irritation that showed in her eyes as she held a sleeping child in her arms.

"Yeah, sorry." He slowly nodded, strangely he didn't know his phone was ringing while he was going through his own internal monologue, and he was the one that passed down the sensitive ear trait, since he himself was the one that complained often about loud noises. He was positive that Kyrie would shock Charlie into the grave since she was almost a year old, and he hadn't said anything about her no matter how many times Charlie has asked if he had anything life changing happen.

Maybe he was scared to tell him that he had a daughter, was married also, and no longer the same boy he saw over ten years ago. The man didn't even know what he looked like now, and he was slightly upset about that also, even if it was somewhat his fault that he never bothered to return to America to go see him.

"Answer the phone Antonio!" Another voice yelled, though instead of a head popping in the doorway, it was just an angry scream across the house they resided in. His other wife, Jennifer, wasn't too fond of loud noises either, but that was only when she was trying to sleep. She never liked to be distrubed when she was trying to rest, and that made Antonio snap out his moment of slowness to answer the once again, ringing cell phone.

"Hello?" He mumbled, he hoped this wasn't anything work related, he had taken a few days off to finish up some work, and spend time with his family.

"Antonio? Finally you answered, were you busy?" The voice of his father sounded back into his ears.

"Taking a break right now." He signed, "usually you call on Sundays? What made you decide to call on a Wednesday?" They only talked once a month, and having Charlie call him a second time, and it wasn't even a week later had him nervous for some reason, like something was wrong.

"Just was a little too excited to tell you that Bella is moving in!" He didn't have to see his father, to know he was grinning, "I couldn't wait in a month to tell you that! You can finally have a proper call with her!" That brought back memories that he only spoke to Bella when she was a child, now that she was what he thought was sixteen, he didn't know how to hold a conversation with her now.

"Living with you?" He frowned, "she's moving to Forks to live with you?" She was never close with their father if he remembered their conversations correctly.

"Yeah! Maybe that's a sign that you should come down too!" His father teased him, but an underlying hint of sadness was heard in his voice, "it's been a while since you've last been to Forks." It's been years, and he's about to enter his thirties, well mentally wise anyways.

"I guess a vacation wouldn't hurt." Though the problem is how was he going to explain his two wifes, and daughter to his father, sister, then mother.

"Great, let me know a week ahead, so I can clean out the attic for you!" He missed his old room, the view that he had directly into the woods, and the warm temperature that came with the heat lifting up inside the house.

"I will." He wouldn't go right now, he'll give it a month to get his dad used to having Bella there, it would be too much for him to show up there with a baby on board. He had made it official, now that his father has gained back hope that he'll return, he couldn't let him down, those petty little fears of his would need to be forgotten soon enough, it's not fair for him to have a relationship with his grandparents, and Kyrie to never meet hers because he was scared of a few little choicy words he might get for not informing them of the big changes in his life.

Now all he had to do was discuss it with his wives, the main two people in his life he had to really explain everything to in fear that they'll send his close minded family into shock.

Couldn't get back into my old series, though this new one will be different and newly improved 😌

Home Office uptop⬆️
Yeah I know the desk isn't mahogany, it's just a visual.

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