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Never missing a beat, at three o'clock in the morning, a bar opens up for the freaks of the night. Whores; male, and female dress up nicely for the guest, and ghouls from the depths of hell itself, rise up from the graveyard not too far away to attend the bar, and kitchen area. This place wasn't known to humankind, the bar only being visible to the damned, and forgotten. Surprisingly enough, neither vampires nor shifters knew this place existed, though it could only be because of the owners' dislike for their kind.

This was a place that Jennifer, and Antonio loved to stop by, in order to get their food. The place offered drinks, food, and entertainment at the sametime for such a price neither could refuse.

"The lust in this place never fails to get me riled up." Jennifer grinned, dressed in the skimpiest dress she could find, while laying beautifully across Antonio's lap, "it always smells so good here." She was the first person to find this place, and with joy, dragged her husband along to show him the jewel she had found all by herself.

"Very good." He grinned also, though the main reason why everything is so crude, and lustful, "though we could enjoy it better if we weren't the cause for it." He nuzzled into her neck the smell of peaches, and cream was strongly mixed with pinewood, and rain. The combined scent was a weird smell, but like an aphrodisiac, everyone that gained a whiff couldn't stay away.

They hadn't eaten yet, taking care to wait for the right person that'll take their attention, but the few humans that lingered around here looked dull, and lifeless from whatever drugs they were on.

"This place is so top notch, but they can't serve good food?" A pretty pout decorating her face, Jennifer swatted away the wandering hands of a touchy whore, "I want something that'll fight me." Out of their little family, she was the only one that could consume humans without an ounce of regret. Her hunger overrides the guilt she felt from taking a life.

"I don't like to fight with my food." Antonio chuckled, "I enjoy a calm, and quiet meal without all the kicking and screaming." He preferred animals, but they didn't satisfy his hunger like a human did. Slowly, he's becoming desensitized to ending lives, but at the moment he enjoyed the feeling of humans willingly giving up their lives to feed him, even if they're doing it unknowingly.

"Of course you would say that." She held back a scoff, "you and Isla are quite the pacifists." She felt like rolling her eyes, remembering the time she gave Kyrie clean human blood, and Isla freaked. Eventually she's going to have to come to terms that they were man-eating demons, drinking the blood of their meals was natural.

"You would say that." A grin still on his face, he waved over a ghoul that looked open for requests, "can I get a Sangria for the lady, and a glass of whiskey." He needed something dazing for what he was about to do.

"And please, bring one of your most sober humans." Jennifer added, gleeful for a meal that would satisfy her desires.

The ghoul simply nodded, their face far too decayed to even speak at the moment. They were amazing servants to their necromancer, though a little fragile since they have been dead for a while. They were at the bottom of the list, the only purpose in their undead lives was to serve.

Above them were the Ghosts, them two being servants, but the only difference was that they were more like messengers because of their easy way of travel. They were quite rare since spirits usually pass on, and only the people that owned them were nobles in the underworld. At the moment, they haunted the attic at the bar in search of a master, or simple pastime because they weren't given a task to do.

Antonio used to have Ghoul servants, had quite a few, but they terrified little Kyrie so he had to dispose of them. He also had two Ghosts that haunted the house that were gifted to him by an old friend. He didn't need them, but they were like useful baby monitors, and replacement ghouls.

Aside from that, they didn't have to wait long for someone to bring their meal to them, along with their drinks that arrived just in time as the human started screaming and squirming in the hold of another Ghoul.

"You're dismissed." A flick of her hand, Jennifer sent both Ghouls out their personal section, "Antonio you'll get used to it if you ignore those useless feelings." She smiled, the joy of a sober prey bringing a sense of life back into her.

"I guess." He downed the first glass that was presented before him, thankful for the strong lingering taste. He could feel the fangs in his mouth throbbing for release the second Jennifer bit down first, drawing blood. He could push his guilt back just this once. Starting off with snapping the neck of the human, he started devouring the flesh on their neck.

Back in Forks, Alice couldn't stop herself from staring blankly at the wall. The image of a man holding her dear mother's head in their hand kept coming back every time she tried pushing it to the back of her mind. She didn't know what her vision meant, or why it happened...she couldn't even see who the man was, but those pink eyes of his weren't hard to forget.

For once she was great her brother was so busy stalking the human he was so infatuated with at the moment. She knew he'll be asking questions and that'll get the rest to notice that something wasn't right with their usual overzealous coven member. Glancing at a painted portrait of their Coven, she made the silent decision to not tell anyone, she couldn't ruin the small moment of peacefulness they had at the moment, she didn't want to risk Edward's future with Bella, because of a  small vision that probably meant nothing.

A little bit of knowledge was dropped about the ranking system in the underworld, there's so much that could've been said, but I decided to. Just add a little over time.

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