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The Bella situation was solved a bit quicker than everyone thought considering the girl was a walking magnet for trouble. Ditching Alice, and Jasper to 'save' her mother was probably the dumbest thing she had ever done, but no one said a word about it to her. The trauma of her almost dying weighed heavy on everyone's mind as they gathered around her in the hospital bed.

"I-Is my dad fine?" Physically she hoped he was, though mentally she wasn't so sure. What she had said to him was cruel, and even if she did low key believe it, that still wasn't any reason she should've said what she said, "Is he here?" Almost dying did force her to see that even if she was annoyed at her dad for the past, she'll never get a chance to correct anything if she left this world a little earlier than planned.

"Bella." Edward had already read a few of their minds, her father was nowhere to be seen, her mother seemed to arrive quicker than the man had, and she was technically across the country from where they were...he didn't have the heart to tell her though. Didn't want to see any tears over something so small.

"Is he Edward?" She was told that he wouldn't hold a grudge, but what if he did. What if he got the call from the hospital, but decided that she wasn't worth going to see, and just hung up. She wanted to see him, in fact she needed to see him in order to make sure that he wasn't completely mad at her.

"N-" He coughed, a vampire had coughed, and that had eyebrows rising from his family members beside him, "no." He grimace watching as the love of his life fell back onto the bed with such a face of exhaustion, that it hurt, "no he has not arrive-"

"Yet!" Alice grinned, though Bella couldn't see if it was a real one or not considering she had buried her face into the pillow underneath her. She couldn't see if he would, but she was sure the man would come to make sure his daughter was safe and healthy. No father would just leave their daughter all alone to suffer...at least she thinks they won't.

"There's no yet, he won't come! He's upset with me, and no longer wants to see me." That also made her panic considering that Charlie was the only one that lived near the Cullen's. If he kicked her out, she would have to move back with her mother to Arizona where she'll never see the Cullen's again. She'll never see Edward again, because she wanted to be a bitch.

"That's not true he loves you." He didn't want to touch her even though his body basically screamed for him to comfort her, she was injured, and the possibility of hurting her was higher at the moment, "I promise." Though he also grimaced at that. They had been at the hospital for two days, and the man still hadn't shown up. Renee was fuming thinking the man had abandoned her, and was even busy trying to call him outside in the hallway.

"Yeah." Jasper felt that distress, the feeling of incompetence digging deep into the older man's heart. It made him feel a bit sorry for the man who only wanted what was best for his family, but didn't know how to show it.

"He's probably busy with Kyrie." She did kinda kick the child, something else she felt a bit guilty for considering that wasn't her intention, "probably busy trying to explain what had happened to my brother and his wives." The bitterness was very visible at the mention of Jennifer, and Isla, but she sounded bitter about everything that had happened at the moment.

The lecture she got from her mother, the lecture she had gotten from Carlisle, Alice, Jasper, Edward, and Emmett himself about her rash decision to go alone to meet James. It all left a bad taste in her mouth, but her eyes did float around the room for a few seconds before realizing something.

"Esme, and Rosalie, w-where are they." Her eyes had widened thinking that they were dead, and that's why no one had mentioned them. She didn't quite like Rosalie at the moment, but the vampire was still someone she respected to a certain degree...but she felt worse about Esme. She was like a mother to her, so nice, and warm despite barely getting the chance to fully get to know her.

"Back at the hotel." Emmett signed, "they mentioned that it would be a while before they could get here because of something coming up." They never did elaborate, though Esme sounded a bit nervous when she was speaking as if they were hiding something that might not get positive responses.

"It takes them two days for that?" Suspicious, then again she was the one who lied about going to the bathroom and ended up almost getting her brains splatter against a mirror in the very place she used to complain would kill her.

"Apparently." And like usual, Emmett was the least concerned about it. He trusted a bit too much, and it was a little unnerving that he couldn't tell when something felt wrong or not.

"Enough about them though! How do you feel? Tired? Hungry? In pain?" Edward ran his hands over her a few times, gently outlining the curves of her body, as if he could magically feel if she had a new cut or not, "feel anything weird." He was nervous about not getting all the venom out, worried about almost killing her, and to a certain extent he felt like fretting over her like a mother would redeem him for getting her into danger, and almost killing her to begin with.

"I'm fine." She swatted them away though, wrapping herself a bit tighter to get away from the wandering hands. She wasn't comfortable with him touching her so freely in front of everyone, but no one seemed to mind considering they were talking about something else that she was unable to hear, "seriously." Physically anyways. Her mind was in danger of becoming something worse than the wound on her leg, from all the thoughts that filtered through her head like a book.

"And stop touching my leg." she swatted again, though missing considering there wasn't a hand to being with.

"Okay?" Edward just stared, the blankets catching his eyes multiple times, but the confusion of seeing nothing getting to him more than he would like to admit.


So the Bella situation is over? 

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