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Kicking rocks, literally. Leah was kicking rocks down by the beach with such a blank look on her face, that even her own brother steered clear in fear of probably getting yelled at. Though the sight was well abnormal considering she hadn't been out of her house for over an entire month, molded into one spot on her bed after the breakup almost two months ago. She still looked sick, hair, eyes, and even skin looking a little lackluster as she walked through the cold winds that seemed to stick specifically to the beach.

She could stay here, stay when there's nothing left for her but scrutiny, and loneliness or she could leave to an entirely new area, and start over. Staying sounded like the best optionfor her, but what would she get other than being bothered by people who hope to reconnect the two women together. She didn't want to see Emily, didn't want to talk to her, or even acknowledge the fact that she even existed after the stunt she had pulled with her boyfriend. People around her acted like she was just suppose to suck up the fact that her boyfriend was stolen, someone she had basically given up her life to be with all because they seemed so happy. Bullshit.

But the city was scary, leaving the reservation was something that was last on her mind, and she respected the fact that Rachel was able to do so without ever looking back. Antonio was there, he would be there, but he also had his own family to deal with, and her being in the picture might be a bit of an eyesore if she was thinking real hard about it. She never even met the two women he'd called his wife, didn't know what they thought about the entire moving in thing, but she figured they might be a little accommodating since she was technically a little sister to Antonio, at least she hoped they were.

"Leah!" Yeah, turning around and seeing the last person she wanted at the moment, she wished they'd be real accommodating, "Leah, please!"


"So you're moving out soon." She knew they were, but the fact that he came to her without her having to come to him was jaw dropping on its own. Antonio had never made a move to speak to her, only asking basic questions without really seeming like he wanted to get to know her at all.

"Yeah, that's the plan. Can't always stay with dad now can I, got a family to take care of, and that little house is unable to house all of us." Especially since she was in the picture now. She had seen how little space there was for her when she first moved in. Antonio's trophies, and walls filled with pictures of him and their parents littered almost all corners of the hallway. It was annoying to look at considering there were literally ten max photos of her on the wall, and they were all pictures of her frowning at something.

"I guess not, though you could stay until Kyrie starts to walk." She didn't like the baby, tolerated it at most, and it was probably due to the fact that their cries were exceptionally loud at night and only she seemed to be the most bothered by it.

"Kyrie can somewhat walk already. She's almost two." In fact she's going to be two in a couple of weeks, and the problem of what they were going to do with her birthday was something they have yet to talk about. They weren't back at home where they could throw a party with all of their buddies, they were here at his father's place where he would rather not bring a bunch of human hating creatures around.

"Really?" She had to look down at the child that sat between them, Kyrie staring back at her. Creepy, "looks younger than two, you sure, maybe about to turn one." Antonio only glanced at her, rolling his eyes, since it seemed like she was doubting the fact that he knew his own child's age.

"Positive." He went silent after that, Bella lifting a brow at the aggressive scoff of his breath. Seems like she hit a nerve of some sort.

"So," But that wasn't going to stop her from asking questions since getting driven home alone was more perfect than she could ever have it, "what have you been busy doing lately. It's a little weird that we haven't spent any time together considering this is the first time we've seen each other properly." She did that awkward leg pat, bouncing a little in her seat, as she took in the side glance she received.

"Working, I'm not a teenager with time to waste anymore." He was never going to have it again, his work as a human taking up his day life, and his work as a demon taking up the night part of it. He barely slept, and didn't need to consider he was a creature of the night to begin with, but it still felt nice to do every once in a while.

"Still, I'm sure you could have a little free time, you took everyone to the beach a couple days ago." She just wanted to talk to him, this was the most she spoke, and it was so weird. Worse than talking to Charlie and she considered that to be horrible.

"The weather was nice." Plus he still ended up taking a few calls during that little 'free time.'

"Could've used that to spend time with me, you know, get to know me a little more than what the pictures on the wall show you." Those awkward hand rolls had garnered the attention of Kyrie, the girl lifting her own arms to try and catch the swinging hands.

"You were invited, though your boyfriend seemed to be the person you wanted to spend time with." Annoyed, he shrugged off the denied request and instead took his family out with his dad, who had to leave a little before them because of work. The man looked ready to freeze anyway with how cold it was at the time.

"Yeah, but you could've come to meet his family." She hadn't even bothered to invite the family of four, would've been the best time, but Edward was already gone before she could even open her mouth...even if it wasn't to suggest that the family come with them.

"You don't come to someone's house without an invitation, that's rude." He also wasn't interested in meeting the Cold Ones, the Volturi being enough for him to deal with and he didn't even want to deal with them.

"I'm sure they'll like to meet you, they've been curious about you ever since I told them you were back." More curious than they should've been, but she's going to put that on the fact that they're pretty protective over her. They shouldn't be, she was simply around family, but she wasn't going to stop the coddling since it did feel good in a certain way.

"I bet." He smiled, or at least it looked like he did from his side profile, but Bella was more focused on the fact that he didn't seem to kin on meeting the family of vampires, "are they the ones that have the magic doctor as a father? The Carters?"

"Cullen's, but yeah, Carlisle is their adoptive father." He would have laughed, Aro had told him many stories of the man that resisted his true nature. The tree hugging vampire as Caius likes to call him. He didn't care if the man didn't eat humans, didn't care if the entire family followed behind him in his diet either, but he did care that they were bothering his sister into becoming one of 'them.' Those disgusting creatures.

"Either way, they'll have to invite us first." He wasn't going to come to them, they had to request his presence, and even then he would decide if it's worth going or not. His time was precious and wouldn't be handed to just anybody.

"Yeah," She didn't think they would, considering Rosalie was really against the idea of Isla and Jennifer coming over to their place. It would be hard just to even suggest the idea. She didn't want to get yelled at for suggesting something as meeting them, "I'll ask them about it." She probably wouldn't, she didn't feel like arguing with anyone, Rosalie, today or even tomorrow.


Option 1 won, so Leah will be moving in with them. Ya'll really don't want someone to die.

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