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"You never daydream." Isla stepped forward, "penny for your thought?" She chose to push back his chair a little to gain access to his lap, laying her head on his shoulder as she fixed the baby in her arms properly.

"Just thinking about visiting my dad." He slowly blinked, "haven't seen him since I was nine." He hadn't ever planned on coming home, when he was in his early teens he made a decision to stay with his grandparents instead of returning home to either his mom or dad out of spite for them splitting the family in two. Sure his grandparents were excited to have him, but he felt like a hole was in his heart for leaving his dear father so high and dry after all these years.

"Is it really that? Or is it because you're no longer human?" She grimaced, a pang running through her own chest as she spoke about their loss of humanity, "I know you don't trust yourself around your dad." It was sad that they had to split themselves from their family, but they were dangerous to live around when they got in certain moods.

"That too." He groaned, "can't exactly explain to my father why I don't look a day over twenty." He turned at the ripe age of twenty one, and ever since then the only thing that had changed about him was his hair growing out.

"I see." She smiled, "are you also worried about Kyrie? She's in her teething stage." With a grin she showed Antonio the small bite marks that littered her index finger, "she chews right through those teething rings." She was proud of her baby, despite the fact she had contracted her horrible trait of biting.

"She really is biting isn't she?" He smiled also, not minding when the tip of his fingers were chewed on once he brought them up to his daughters lips.

"But I'm not worried about Kyrie at all, she's a good girl. It's Jennifer." If anyone should be away from human civilization it was his eldest wife, her lack of empathy for the human race threw him off when he first met her, but learning about her 'death' gave him a better understanding about her hate for the oblivious mortals.

"She won't eat your father-in-law." He spoke with confidence, Jennifer was skeptical about a lot of things, but she would never be the first to attack something.

"Unless she's hungry." Isla grinned, a teasing look on her face, that her husband seemed to ignore at the moment.

"Not a funny joke." He groaned, and with a small tap to her arm, she hopped up from her spot on his lap.

"Instead of staying with my dad, we can just have a house built out in the woods for her to hunt as she pleases." He also found that he preferred animals over humans since he still wasn't fully comfortable enough to take a bite out of a person yet.

"It doesn't need to be huge. Don't design it so big, there's only a few of us." She hated large places, the mansion they were staying at wasn't her favorite, but it kept them hidden away from the prying eyes of humans.

"I'm sure we'll want another baby again someday, the house can't be too small." He grinned, Kyrie was an accident, they didn't know at the time that their kind could get pregnant, or if it was just Isla, but Jennifer had expressed her interest in having a child a while ago also.

"Of course." She smiled, "I want lots of glass! I want to see the animals, and grow my own garden." It was sad that this house didn't have enough space to grow a proper garden, but she put the sunroom into use with a few flowers and ferns.

He thought for a while, he wouldn't only have Charlie to catch up with when he came back home. He would have Leah, Billy, Sue, Harry, and even Sam to talk to once he got back in his hometown. He still remembered them after all these years, and even had a crush on Leah when they were younger, but he didn't know if they still remembered him.

"I want to be away from humans." Jennifer's voice soon came through, "just like this place, I want to avoid those nasty creatures." She was standing by the door, in only a t-shirt, twirling a strand of hair between her fingers. She had her gaze out the window, but he assumed it was because some animal had caught her eye like usual.

"Forks is surrounded by woods, I plan on just moving behind my father, or somewhere close to La Push." He didn't want to bother with cutting down trees, or even having random people scout his father's land. It'll be easier to just build a house in the middle of the woods.

"Like, far, far." She signed, making a beeline towards Isla who carried a half awake baby.

"I'll feed the little monster." She grinned, "while you butter up the other monster." She had plucked the child from her arms, and opened a window to jump out of.

"Thanks?" Though the annoyance didn't last long, since her attention was now redirected to the laptop that Antonio was busy turning on.

"Want to help design the rooms?" There was luckily an interior decorator that lived in Forks at the moment, so he was positive that a few phone calls and reference pictures was all it would take to get their house up and running by the time they make it to his father’s place, and live there for a couple of weeks.

“Of course! You know I finally get to properly decorate Kyrie’s room without it looking pastel victorian.” She rolled her eyes, at the thought of this place, sure it was gifted to them by Antonio’s late grandparents, but she hated how melodramatic it looked, and felt. She didn’t like the gothic interior either.

“Good to know you like my style.” He teased, he enjoyed the darker things in life, and unfortunately didn't seem to incorporate enough color in his life that could satisfy Isla’s bright style.

“Love it.” She grinned, already pushing back his chair, so she could have enough space to take a proper peak at the reference pictures.

“The closest designer in Forks is Esme Cullen. She has quite the positive review.” He scanned her account over Isla’s shoulder, a smile on his face as he took in her picture.

“She looks weird.” No doubt about it, there was no human that looked that pale and perfect.

“Very.” She sounded relaxed, and at most, went back to choosing pictures she, and Jennifer would like for their own personal spaces.

“How many rooms?”

“I’ll say six.” He shrugged, “two stories or one?”

“One story, but why do you want six rooms?” She glanced over to the window for a second after hearing Jennifer jump back onto the window seal with Kyrie in her arms.

“I need an office space, you need your art room, and Jennfier needs a room for whatever she does.” He rolled his eyes, that was three rooms in itself, and that was already good for one story.

“We can just have one huge office, with walls separating sections of it.” Jennifer grinned, “besides, one of my hobbies is watching you work anyways.” She was never too far from the love of her life, whether he knew it or not.

“Fine five.” He signed, “we can share a room, a guest room, Kyrie’s room, an empty room, and the office. It wasn’t a big difference, but the other girls seem to agree, with the room options.

“Why don’t we just get something with two stories?” Jennifer signed, she liked the big and lavish things in life, she wasn’t so simple and didn’t really want a small house.

“A small two story.” Isla signed, she wanted a small house, but she guessed they weren’t normal enough for the simple things in life. Antonio didn’t bother with adding his opinions in, the girls would just overrun his ideas anyways with their decorating skills, and his breath would be wasted on death ears. He was also pleased he got his way with the house they were living in, so a change in scenery and style would surely be a breath of fresh air for him and the girls.

“I’ll send her a quick email, and contact some contractors for the lay of the land.” He’ll return home for the first time in a while, and the thought of it made him giddy.

I'm attending my college orientation next week, and I'm do excited! I've been waiting on this🌟

I'll try and update this story every Thursday and Friday

I'm also going through my last week's of highschool so sorry if I'm a little inconsistent.

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