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"Y-You weren't being serious about me moving in with you right?" Bella shifted, since Antonio had come, she wasn't able to ride back with the Cullen's. Emmett had taken up the offer along with Rosalie to drive her truck back home, but Antonio was sitting in the back of an obviously new BMW. Where did he have the time to buy this, and why she would never know, but she sat back like a good girl considering Antonio wasn't happy with her to begin with.

"What makes you think I was lying? You, and dad are going to be living with me until the damages to the house are fixed, and you will be following some rules while you're there. This isn't some vacation that you're going to experience, and whatever punishment dad has decided will be enforced." She had everything that she needed, and the case of blood was placed all snug in the back of the vehicle out of sight. It truly was a shame that he couldn't direct his anger to the right person, but Bella would suffice for now, until he's able to get the right people.

"I didn't think you were lying, I just thought you were joking." She shuffled a bit deeper into the jacket that Edward had given her, nervousness flooding her veins when she felt just a bit unsafe at the thought of Victoria still wandering the area alive. She was scared that not only would her brother get hurt, but Leah, and Kyrie also, that woman seemed vicious and she didn't think for a second that she would spare her brother, and his family.

"Well I'm not, I don't joke about serious things such as this. Edward will be banned from visiting, and a driver will be driving you too, and from school." His smile didn't reach his eyes, that was something he was going to work on, sending one of his most trusted workers to drive his sister around was going to be nerve wrecking. Traditional vampires could be manipulative on their own, but he was more worried about Cullen's finding out that he had such connections than anything else. It would be tiring to explain, and it wouldn't help to have the dogs down by the beach upset over it either.

"Why? He didn't do anything wrong!"

"He 'upset' you so bad that you ran away from home Bella. You're really protective over someone that hurts your feelings." He felt angry just thinking about his poor father that was left all alone in the house to ponder over what he did wrong. Bella had taken things a little too far this time, and he wasn't going to go easy on her just because they were siblings.

"We made up."

"Quite quickly in fact, sit back and be quiet. You're irritating me with your nonsense." Leah stayed silent, she had finished up all the paperwork in the hospital room, and while she was worried about how the relationship between the two siblings were going to play out, she kept quiet considering it wasn't her place to speak on it. She saw the state the house was in when she had arrived, saw how pale and close to death Charlie was, and how mentally drained the group of three seemed just from this one curve ball.

She didn't think that they could care so much about people they hadn't seen in so long, but she was proven wrong with just how badly Antonio wanted her to change her life for the better, and how distressed Jennifer was over her sister's and Charlie's health. She was caring in her own way, and while she wasn't the nicest to her, she still seemed to give her much needed advice that she was still putting into action. Bella would see how much her brother loved her, even if it meant hurting her feelings. A little bit of tough love was very much needed for some people to see the truth.

"T-That's not fair though, he didn't do anything bad, so why is he being punished?" She sounded very miserable in the backseat, though Antonio only thought to turn up the volume. He already said what he had to say, and Bella's whining only proved his point about how immature she was to decide something as leaving Forks on her own. It was sad just how forgiving she was, though there probably wasn't a reason anyways on why she left Forks in such a hurry.

"I don't want to hear it, tell your side of the story to dad, and let him decide what to do with Edward." He knew his dad was soft for Bella, but he hoped that he would lay it in hard on her this time around. Going easy on her will only allow her to think that it would be okay to do it again, and the harsh punishment is to prevent stupidity like that from happening. He couldn't stick around twenty for seven and watch her every move. He had a daughter, and two wives that he needed to make sure were alright, and now he even had Leah who he had to make sure was living comfortably.

"Can you call Jennifer for me, and see if things have gotten better over there?" He hoped that the Ghouls were finished cleaning up by the time they arrived, he didn't want his sister to see maggot filled monsters roaming around the yard, and he sure as hell didn't want the Cullen's to know they even exist, "do let her know that we're coming back home in a few hours also." It was highly unfortunate that they wouldn't be able to drive all the way back, but at least Antonio would have no trouble getting the car flown over right behind them.

"Okay, want me to ask about Isla also?"

"No, I'll be home with Kyrie soon, she won't speak to Jennifer even if she had me on the phone." His youngest wife was another person he had taken good care of. He had thought of her the most when thinking about Doctor Riley, and maybe she would enjoy it if he had gifted the woman to her? He knew that she wasn't fond of eating humans, but moving to Seattle would make it much harder for her to eat animals, and the risk of the Cullen's finding out was much higher if she did.

"Okay, I'll still ask though, even if she can't get her to talk directly to us." Isla was the best thing that had happened to Leah, which meant that she was more than worried when she heard the woman had stunned her way into unconsciousness. She had responded very lightly to Antonio, but the problem was that she was worried that she might be the same after this. She loved Isla like a big sister, the worry for her wouldn't just let up because someone said so.


Finally out of that Hospital, and while Doctor Riley won't be handled in this ACT, do remember her because she will be in a later one.

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