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Back at home, Bella paced back and forth in her room. Edward stood on the sidelines watching her walk holes into the floor without so much of a word in order to not break her away from whatever she was thinking about.

"You seem nervous about something." It was obvious that he was still trying to see if there was any chance of him reading her mind, "got something you want to get off your shoulders? Trouble with school work?" They were all such nice suggestions, but he knew exactly how Bella was when it came to giving out whatever she was thinking.

"What?" She paused, "no...no I don't need help with school work." She felt a little insulted that he even thought of her to be so slow that she couldn't do the basics of science, but she held her tongue in favor of thinking that he meant something else, "I just thinking about something family related." She failed to mention to him that he wasn't suppose to be in the house at the moment, or the fact that she was wondering why they haven't done anything more besides simple hand holding.

It is frustrating when she listens to her friends talk about all the things they did with their boyfriends, when all she can do is smile, and compliment. She would like to see a movie with him, go to the beach, go shopping even though she hates it, or even take long walks throughout Port Angeles. The only thing she could brag about was that she managed to even grab Edward's attention.

"Your mother wants you to visit her this Thanksgiving break, or your father is giving you trouble?" He knows the man doesn't like him, it has been no secret that the man would love if he just vanished off the face of the earth, and he chalked it up to a father just being protective over their only daughter. It's natural to want to pretend that your little girl isn't grown enough to think about leaving you behind.

"Yes, and no." She pushed her mother's begs of visiting her to the side at the moment, she wasn't too bothered by her at the moment, but her father was really working her nerves with the ban Edward from her life.

"Okay?" Confused, he waited, watching her walk back and forth a few times before dropping back onto her bed with the most exhausted look he had ever seen someone muster.

"Someone is coming to stay with us for a while." She grumbled, there was already one bathroom, and their kitchen was far too small to house anymore than two people at a time. She didn't want to share her space with someone unknown right now, she had too much on her plate with the Victoria situation, and their little meetings in the middle of the night could very much get exposed since her father won't sleep at this usual times and would be more likely to check up on her during random periods of the night.

"Who?" He sat up a little straighter this time around, though he had no control he didn't like the fact that Bella was going to be around some stranger that could do god knows what to her when Charlie left for work.

"I don't know!" She groaned, "I wasn't exactly listening to my father when he was talking about who exactly it was! It could be another family member of mine for all I know." She felt like a kid again being watched by Edward who didn't seem at all bothered by the fact that she was kicking her legs every which way like a spoiled child.

"Alice hadn't seen anything bad happen, otherwise she would've said something to me about it." There wasn't any danger that he could think of, "they probably would be staying for a couple days at most, so you could try and ask for a sleepover with my sisters." It was a good idea, and Bella pondered on it for a little bit before untimely shaking her head in disdain.

"I've tried that once before, but he hates you so much that he wouldn't dare have me spend the night at your guy's place." She pouted, upset that she wasn't even allowed to spend the night over someone else's house. Her mom didn't care who was over at the house when she went to spend time with her friends, but that was all her dad could think about.

"Well then what do you think I can do?" He couldn't do much when Charlie was home, and he still wasn't allowed to even step onto the front lawn of the house again.

"Can you just watch over me when Charlie isn't around." She didn't want him to be seen by the guest or anything, just stay close by so that if they tried anything, then she'll be saved before anything serious happened.

"I'll have to rotate with the others, I can only go so long before I need to hunt again." He felt a small shiver rush down his back, his body feeling a little colder than normal. It wasn't anything new, over the past month, but it had been something that wouldn't leave him no matter what he did. It was odd like his body didn't want to be around Bella, but that couldn't be possible, he was mated to her, why wouldn't he want to be around her?

"Okay, just come back after everyone is asleep please." Bella paid him no mind, Edward always had his weird quirks, and a little shivering wasn't something that'll make her question him if there was something wrong.

"I will," He'll try, though if he had any luck hunting than he did before. The animals were starting to become scarce, and the others were beginning to worry if they'll have to travel so much farther just to feed. They might have to leave quicker than usual if that's the case.

Safe to say that Charlie quite enjoyed Kyrie's presence after a while. The baby sat carefully in his lap as he drove, and the two men chatted quietly while Isla, and Jennifer pretended to sleep to avoid the awkward father-son duo.


I've managed to finally get them in Forks without it seeming like I've forced it...to badly.

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