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"Ahh!" A small pop of the hand had Rosalie astonished, the child was so much more feisty when they were awake. They were obviously not happy at the disappearance of their grandfather, the scent of their parents no longer presence, and the calming heartbeat of their grandfather gone.

Of course neither of the women were expecting a happy, babbling baby, after they woke up, but they also didn't expect the tiny hands thumping against their heads when they tried coddling them within their arms. It devastated the women, devastated one more than the other, but they were hurt nonetheless as the child fought to escape their hold, only calming when they were placed upon the bed to freely wiggle around as they pleased.

"Sassy little thing." Esme had tiny little cracks on her cheek, Kyrie having dung her nails into the side of her face during a little tantrum she had thrown in her arms. It hurt, though it felt as if she just got a small cut on her face, and nothing else. She hoped it'll heal before they left for the hospital just so no one would bother worrying about them too much.

"Don't know why she's so riled up this morning? She had been so well last night, but suddenly her eyes popped open and she's not happy anymore." She probably knew why, they both knew why, but neither wanted to admit that was the reason for the child's unhappiness.

It hurt slightly, but that was just the reality of the situation they were in. They were beings that would never experience what it was like to be a mother, in Rosalie's case, she wouldn't even know what it was like to hold her own child, while Esme had that luxury for a short while. She believed that she would rather be dead, than this monster that couldn't experience one of the joys of life, but realistically thinking, she wouldn't have found her happiness with Emmett.

It was a double edged way of thinking for most. Not being able to meet Emmett if she was dead, and never having a child while she was a vampire, it was something that she bounced between regularly about what she thought was the best choice she could've made. It worried her coven family, when she'll pull back from them to live in her head, but it felt good, almost like closure whenever she would come out. It was something she had...would have to come to terms with now that things have gone much different than she believed. It's hard to decide what was good for her or not, but she wouldn't let any of that hold her back from this new life she was given. It was unfavorable sometimes, but so was her human life, it'll get better with time, or at least she hoped it would.

"She was still swaddled up in her grandfather's scent last night also." The smell of Charlie was much fainter than it was a few hours ago. When the scent was barely noticeable was when the child's eyes snapped open in wonder as she took in the unfamiliar surrounding, and the unfamiliar women that clouded her vision from the room around her. She was still at first since she was content with looking around, but after that she became a little restless as she noticed that there was a lacking figure in the room. She began to fuss a bit more than what they were used to, and the loud noise hurt to listen to so up close, "she misses her grandfather." And with time she would learn to get over it like everyone else had, Charlie was probably dead by now with how much blood he had lost. They saw it themselves, there was a chance that Bella would be sent back to her mother to Arizona, or Florida...wherever her mother decided to take her, and they would never see her again. Neither woman could decide if that was good or not, for their poor coven member who seemed so attached to her in such a short amount of time.

"She'll be returned to her parents, but we just need to get her out of this room, and into the arms of her aunt." It'll be better if someone was to get a hold of Kyrie through Bella, they wouldn't get in trouble for kidnapping, but Bella would somewhat be under some fire for taking a child that wasn't hers when the parents hadn't given her permission to do so. It was a risk that they would have to take considering neither of them could get arrested for taking the child. Bella would simply have to deal with the problems that would arise out of her siblings for taking their child alone. They couldn't deal with it, not when the government was getting smarter by the year with how they kept records of everything.

Rosalie's face had turned grim, lips frowning much more than they ever had as she watched Esme collect the small amount of baby food that they had got for the child last night. It wasn't much, and she didn't-wouldn't drink the formula that they tried giving her last night in an attempt to get something in her system while she 'slept.' She didn't want to give the baby up just yet, but Esme's face said that it was time to go, it was time to hand over the baby to Bella who rested in a hospital not even a couple streets away. They would need to go undercover just in case something was reported about them, they also had to protect their skin from the sun, and that itself was going to garner weird looks considering it was damn near blazing outside.

"Rosalie, wrapped the child lightly so they don't overheat. Maybe your baseball cap could be used to block the sun out of their face." And hide her face from anyone that might spot them as kidnappers. It went unsaid between the two of them though, choosing to instead just slowly pack their things at a leisurely pace. It went unnoticed as the mini little backpack filled with last minute baby items was lifted, and expected. The only thing slipped from it being a chewed up pacifier, that lasted a mere five minutes, in Kyrie's mouth.


The chapter after the next will be a little longer than the average 1000-1300 I usually make my chapters. though I haven't decided who should go first, Antonio or one of the sisters.

Though how do we feel about this? I'm excited to write the chapter when they collect Bella from the hospital, there is a person who I have been waiting to add to this story for the longest, because of the drama I wanna do with them.

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