Thanksgiving Special

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This holiday was about spending time with family, and being thankful for everything that has happened this past year. This also meant that because their family was so divided; Renee, Phil, and Charlie were going to be attending this special holiday at their place...That also meant, that everyone was going to have to push their feelings aside, and allow the Cullen's to join their little get together since Bella refuses to participate unless their involved.

It took a lot of arguing on their end, and for their own amusement, considering the Cullen's couldn't eat food, they decided that they would be allowed to attend, as long as they didn't cause trouble with the few Shifters that they had invited also. Jacob, Billy, Seth, Sam, Emily, Sue, and Harry were also going to attend, it was a double edge sword considering her parents, her mother, wouldn't attend the gathering unless Emily and Sam were invited also.

"I mean, surely you still don't care for the boy? You've come so far, so don't hold yourself back." Jennifer scoffed, she didn't want any of the mutts over, but Jacob and Seth were family to Antonio, and Leah. She wouldn't prevent them from coming over just because she didn't like dogs, and she wasn't going to say no to Billy since the man had asked for her to play nice so sweetly, "seeing Sam and Emily shouldn't mean anything to you." Even if it had only been a few months since she had seen them, Leah had nothing to be ashamed about.

She had gotten a boyfriend of her own, a job, was on her way to finish High school this May, and was even thinking about moving out next year. She was doing well for herself, and if anyone were to question her relationship, just looking at her would tell them that she was well taken care of by both Antonio and her boyfriend. The new couple looked nice in their matching Blue Jeans, and Creme sweater, they also looked even better with the matching promise rings that sparkled on their right hand whenever the light caught onto it.

"That's not what I'm worried about. What if they notice that I'm different now? What if my mom causes a scene in front of everyone and embarrasses me?" She was no longer human, and while there was no scent coming off of her, it wouldn't take a genius to know that she had begun to not only eat more than that average person, but appeared much stronger, and agile than she ever had before, "Also what if Bella decide to upset you again? It's not good for someone in their first trimester of pregnancy to be so stressed out." Bella also seemed to hold a grudge against her for some reason. Was it because she refused to allow her to see Jacob after he had been hurt about her promise of lover to Edward, or the fact that she had even refused Doctor Cullen so that wouldn't know how Jacob had turned out. She didn't plan for anyone to be left in the dark, but Antonio was strict that Jacob be brought back to where Frank could care for him in the proper way.

"They wouldn't dare cause a scene in my house." Antonio signed, "This is suppose to be a happy holiday and I'll be damned if anyone ruins it for us. This is Kyrie's first Thanksgiving also." While he hadn't had the chance to see the bubbly child since Isla was going all out this time around, he had been working on baking the turkey. It had taken him a while to find one big enough, but there had also been some arguing going on within the small group of men, about how they were going to cook the stupid bird.

Renee was busy with the decorations considering she couldn't cook, Sue was working on a couple of dishes, Harry was bringing drinks, Phil was helping alongside Antonio, though he decided that he was going to bring another turkey to fry. Billy brought a few pies that he knew everyone loved, and while he knew that the Cullen's might bring something, it was going to be very hard to tell if anyone other than Phil, and Renee actually ate their food. Charlie was far too upset with them to even want to interact with the family, and Antonio wasn't interested in whatever 'apology' meal they had tried to conjure up.

"Your mother is an adult, she should know how to behave." And he hoped she would, considering she had shown how much she adored Kyrie, though she seemed very much upset with him convincing her daughter to leave the house.

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