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"Bella." Rosalie 'gently' snatched the human into the kitchen where everyone else cooped in after discovering that two other people besides Bella was sitting in their living room, "who the hell are they, and what the hell are they doing here?" She couldn't hold back the hiss that crawled its way into her throat, it was irritating that the girl couldn't do something as simple as not involving other humans in their business. It was tiring enough dealing with her and Edward's problematic asses.

"Rosalie calm down, I'm sure she didn't have a choice." Edward couldn't help but silently agree though, he also didn't want more humans getting involved with their life, especially humans whose mind basically screamed at him twenty four seven.

"Um, yes, she did! This is dangerous and stupid!" She was also running off a little bit of blood for the night because someone had dropped by unannounced and she just couldn't run out into the woods unless she wanted weird looks.

"Yeah, this is dangerous Bella." Jasper also wasn't too pleased. The two women smelt tantalizing to him, and every time he opened his mouth, venom leaked, "They smell better than you do." It was an issue that he had yet to get over, and Edward made sure to wrap a tight arm around Bella's waist.

"Well Charlie wouldn't have let me leave unless I brought them over with me." She whined, why was it so wrong that she wanted to see Edward?

"Then you don't come. Problem solved." Obviously Rosalie didn't care.

"Bella it's still very dangerous that you brought them over here though, and we just want you to know that it was a crazy decision on your part." Esme couldn't help but grimace, Carlisle was working the night shift so it was unfortunate that he wasn't here to give them any advice, but she would try her best to make Bella see her wrongs.

"What if they got injured?" Emmett was also just a bit worried, he had long since gotten used to his blood thirst, but those two girls were almost serenading him. It worried him that maybe Rosalie wasn't his mate and it was actually the bond calling out to him, but every time he hugged her close, the bond between the two of them always sparked something deep within him. It was a problem he was having trouble with.

"They won't." Bella hoped they wouldn't, she couldn't have anything messing up her only passage to happiness.

"You're not sure of that." Alice was also just a bit confused on what was happening, "who are those girls anyway, and why wouldn't Charlie let you come see us without them?" She hadn't seen any of them, and that rubbed her the wrong way.

"They're my brother's wives." She didn't bother hiding her eyes as they rolled into the back of her head, "Isla and Jennifer." She hated them both, those pretty blue eyes of Jennifer, and that cute smile of Isla. It was ridiculous how tight they had her father and brother wrapped around their finger, ridiculous how they had a number of people they just met under a spell.

"Your brother?" Alice squealed.

"His wives? Both of them?" The disgusted scowl that made its way onto Rosalie's lips did please Bella to a great extent, "why the hell does he have two wives? How is that even legal?"

"It's obviously not legal, and he has them because that's what they want." Emmett had shrugged his shoulders on the matter, but the annoyed hiss escaping from his wife, had him backpedaling a little bit...Yeah he was a bit of a bitch when it came to her.

"They seem happy." Esme was a little curious considering she had met a few people who dated more than one person, but for obvious reasons couldn't get close enough to them to really understand how it worked.

"It's still disgusting and unnatural." Why in the hell would anybody want two people in the world, when they could have just one? There was no need for multiple partners, and Rosalie already had a low few of the men she had never met.

"Very." Bella grinned, she was happy that at least one person agreed with her on one thing.

Their little chats in the kitchen gave Isla and Jennifer enough time to roam around the area and get their hands on anything useful that might tell them about the bloodsucking family. It was infuriating to listen in on their conversations, but they did promise Antonio that they wouldn't cause any problems while he got everything sorted out.

"Oh my sister, look." Jennifer grinned, the picture of four men posing in front of a grand scenery had her eyes twinkling, "that old man is on there!" She would have laughed, though the firm shush from Isla had her straighten back up.

"That place never fails to amaze me." She was a sucker for old architecture, it was a shame that the castle was taken by the leeches, "but that doesn't help us with anything."

"Of course it does, that's the boy toy of the woman downstairs." The gloss on her lips were dangerously reflective as grinned, "that means that they either had or have some type of connection." She was proud of herself for finding something like this.

"We could always ask those Grandpa's if they know anything." She quite favored Aro and his antics despite the annoyed glances she might give the man.

"Ugh, pass." She didn't have the energy to deal with that power driven pervert, and that said a lot considering she was suppose to flourish in that section.

"Mm, you're really picky." At this point there was nothing for them as they clambered out of the office to settle back onto the couch in the living room that was still empty.

"How rude, they haven't come to check up on us once." Jennifer pouted, she was really hoping to set flames under those undead asses of theirs.

"Very rude." Isla wasn't much for the little prissy princess game Jennifer liked to play, but she did find it entertaining to watch it all play out when she wasn't on the receiving end of it.

They didn't mind though, it was nice to listen in on a conversation that they thought was private. It gave them more Intel on what exactly this family was all about, and it was something that would be good to relay back to Antonio no matter how outrageous the claims got about their relationship. They'll let it slide, their business was theirs only and there was no explanation these people needed.

"Oh Isla." Jennifer smacked her freshly glossed lips, "I found a nice design for the new bar." She felt just a bit giddy, this was going to end up being something entirely new, and she just knew that Antonio was going to love it also.

"Tell me when we get home." Mildly interested, she turned her attention towards the television that showcased the news for Seattle.

"Also Seattle might be a ways away, but so was the other bar from our home. I think that'll be a great place for it." The criminals and wandering humans at night were perfect to snatch up for their own satisfaction.

"I'm sure Antonio would consider it." She still wasn't on board with the human eating thing, but there was only so long before the animal diet got to her.

They would just have to pass the time until Antonio arrived to come get them. They were promised a small tour of their new home, and Isla was mostly just ready to get back to her precious baby that was probably wondering where her mother was since she had never been away for this long.


It's good to be back to this book, I haven't finished the last few chapters of 'Sunflower' but I'll just start publishing now considering there's no point in keeping everyone waiting when I have chapters ready.

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