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Awkward silence, well between the three women that obviously didn't seem to like each other. The first impressions were a little off considering they heard the younger girl crying to her father about meeting the weird stranger, and disliked her even more when the man walked down the stairs looking like he fought a war. The man seemed to become a little tired and quiet after that, so with the help of Kyrie they worked on putting that smile back on his face in hopes of raising the dampened mood from before.

"So you're Antonio." She had seen photos of her father when he was younger, and to say she was unimpressed with the looks of her older brother was a lie. He didn't have dark brown hair like she or her father did, but he did have the same hazel eyes that she was a little jealous of considering they seemed to sparkle no matter where he looked, "the brother I've always heard about, but had never seen." She was also annoyed by the fact that she had never met him before, yet he seemed to be praised so highly by both of their parents. She couldn't win Renee completely over, and Charlie was a lost cause for her.

"Isabella I'm guessing?" He was a little amused that she seemed so hostile, but that didn't have anything to do with him now. "You look quite nice."

"A little dull." Jennifer smiled, that little mutter under her breath earned a swift punch to the thigh via her sister, but even Isla couldn't help but smile.

"Bella, but a baby huh." She wasn't going to get any sleep with a child screaming in her ear, "who's the mother." They were cute though, and the blue eyes had her assuming that the tall and skinny woman before her was the mother.

"I am." Isla grinned, "isn't she cute.'' There was a rare steak placed delicately in front of her, and whenever she drove her fork into it a bit of blood would leak out and gross the hell out of Bella who munched away on her salad.

"Yeah." She didn't say anything though, she was walking on thin ice at the moment with her father.

"So what do you do for a living?" She poked, must've been doing something great if he had never had the time to return back to America to see her or them, "where did you live? Are you married? Why did you visit now?" Her eyes narrowed, pupils blown just a bit at the curiosity that ate her alive.

"Bella." Charlie slightly groaned, he was curious about a few things also, but he knew there was a time and place to ask them, and being in the middle of a crowded diner where people liked to gossip wasn't the place.

"It's fine." She was going to be a problem, curiosity killed the cat didn't it.

"I live in England, I've decided to take a vacation from work for the first time in a while, and yes I'm married." There was need to tell them that he was moving here yet. First he had to see if it was even possible to get a bar built over here, and once that was constructed they wouldn't have to worry about hunting the animals and can go back to their normal diets.

"Married to who?"

"These two women before you."

Silence again. The only sound was the cutlery scrapping the plates as everyone ate. Bella felt a little dumbstruck from the answer, she knew a group of people that were dating back at her old school in Phoenix, but she never thought she would be eating a meal with someone that had multiple wives, well not legally but she got the jist of it all.

"When did you get married, and for how long?" It wasn't possible for those types of relationships to last that long, and it was a little weird that these two girls would even stay with one guy considering one of them looked like they'll stab you in the back the second you turn it.

"About four." He didn't bother mentioning the fact that they had a little history before that also. The bite marks that littered his skin, when he took Jennifer out on a date, and the claw marks that decorated his back from the attack Isla delivered in an attempt to kill him. That had a lot of history before he officially became what he was today, and he couldn't help the subtle grin that was loosely presented on his face. Good times, real good times.

"Okay." She didn't really have the right to commentate. She was ready to spend her life with Edward and she'd only known him for about three months now. Three months of absolute terror from a sane's person opinion.

But a slick question had arisen in her throat that she forced herself to hold back. The girls were so pretty, inhumanly pretty, and she would consider them to be vampires if it wasn't for the flushed skin, obvious breathing patterns, and the ability to eat human food. She wondered if they were some models, but didn't think that they would follow her brother to the most boring place on earth if they were.

"Any more questions?" He had his own meal in front of him. A big one at that, and the next thought in Bella's head was a Shifter, but she was told that it was more so genetics than anything else.

"No." She signed, their couple of days were gonna feel like years to her, and of course they arrived on a Friday.

She didn't bother speaking anymore, she already knew that she was going to have questions that she would have to answer herself. Word was going around that Charlie's son was back, and he had brought two beautiful girls along with a baby and she could only imagine the type of attention she was going to get at school from this. She already knew that Edward was going to manage to pick apart Charlie's brain since he'll be running it twenty four seven with Antonio here and she didn't think that her life could get any more chaotic.

"Can I go see Alice, and Rosalie after this?" Long shot, but it was worth a try.

"You don't want to spend any time with your sister in laws?" Charlie paid her no mind, already invested with whatever conversion Antonio had started about a shift in business that he was going through, "you can go if you bring them." He didn't want them sitting in the house doing nothing, they didn't seem like the type to fish or go hunting, but he would remember to bring them down to the reservation so that they could hang around the beach when he took Antonio to see his friends.

"I-" Was it smart to drag two other humans with her to see her boyfriend? Two beautiful humans that might have the possibility to snatch away her boyfriend.

That would have to be something that she needed to consider, but she was desperate to see Edward since he left a little earlier for her liking in an attempt to feed himself before he had to spend the night in her bedroom.

"I don't mind." Jennifer grinned, "it'll be nice to meet other people." She was lying through her damn teeth. She could smell the foul creatures that seemed to linger on the human's skin, but if Antonio hadn't said anything then it mustn't be that big of a deal like she's making it out to be. If she couldn't kill her, she could at least annoy the hell out of her. 


I just wanted to write a nosy ass Bella💁

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