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"To think you used to live here." Isla walked around Antonio's old bedroom silently in awe, sure the place was cleaned up and switched around a little to support a man instead of a child, but it still looked so nice and so Antonio like that she couldn't help but smile at all the little trophies, and old photos that hung around the room. It was small, though it allowed the four of them to move easily around, and the room was so neatly arranged that she didn't believe for a second that a young boy used to live there.

"It wasn't obviously this clean." He grinned, "my dad probably threw away all my useless trash, and organized my important stuff." He was thankful that it was clean since he couldn't remember what state he had left this room in, but he wouldn't need it after a while. He was moving into their new house soon, but it was nice to stay in his old room for once.

"It's obviously yours, considering the fact that it has this same dark and modern tone." Jennifer was pleased with the way the room looked, and a little endeared that Antonio's style hadn't changed even when he was a child.

"My Grandparents on my father's side had decorated my room for me. Grandfather was a fan of the melodramas." He missed his old man so much, and it was quite a shame that he died so early into his life, "my grandmother was the one that had given me so many of these books." He hadn't ever read them, considering he was more interested in sports, but now that he was older. His interests had shifted from sports, to knowledge and he didn't mind going through those books for the first time in a while. He even thought about having a little mini library built into the house, but he would have to see if Esme could fit that in first.

"He had a great style then." Everyone was tired from the long dinner. The atmosphere Bella had created after almost tossing her food onto the floor in a fit of anger from all the teasing Jennifer had done, left a bad taste in everyone's mouth...except Jennifer's of course.

"Too bad they couldn't leave anything for your sister." Isla signed, the girl was so hard to get along with, and she had almost broken her promise and killed the girl when Kyrie was almost dropped from her carelessness, "she could have done with learning some manners from her elders." It made no sense to her how she was allowed to get away with this behavior. Maybe it was a rich person thing, but Isla and Jennifer both would've been punished for such despicable attitudes since they had a reputation to uphold.

"I'm sure she just hasn't gotten used to everything yet." Antonio frowned, he didn't know his sister at all, so it wasn't like he was fully able to defend her actions. It was a little shocking to watch a young woman her age act so rashly in front of so many people, and it was even more shocking to see his father try and hide his embarrassment when the girl lashed out at him for something beyond his control.

"Didn't seem like that to me." Jennifer snorted, "I wonder how your father puts up with it." She sniffled a couple of times, and for a second she caught a whiff of the same vampire that happened to leave that horrible stench on Isabella's skin. "My dad never let me get away with such behavior." And she was the favorite out of the two children they had.

"I don't let you get away with it either." He joked, though it sounded a little dry since he was rubbing his nose like he had allergies or something, "but go ahead and take a shower so you won't take up so much time in the morning." He wanted this bathroom routine to be over with as quickly as possible.

"If you say so." She grinned, already bouncing down the staircase towards the bathroom that hopefully was unoccupied. After that it was back to being quiet. Isla, Antonio, and Kyrie falling into a routine that came normally. There was obviously something they needed to talk about, but neither could find it in themselves to break the peacefulness that was currently going on. Antonio himself seemed to want to start it off but he seemed a little distracted as he entertained the child in his arms, it would be a while before she headed off to sleep and he mentally cursed the fact that she didn't need to sleep or eat like a normal baby her age would.

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