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"For a nice place, service sure sucks." Bella stared at her phone, uselessly sitting on her lap after she gave up trying to text Edward. She had promised to send him something the second she arrived back in Forks, but everything moved a bit too fast for her to remember to do so. She hoped he didn't think she was ignoring him, or worse in danger.

No matter how nice this room was, or her covered view, it was still a cold lonely place where Edward couldn't get to her no matter what. She hated this damn building, and the people inside of it. Those maids didn't care to give her what she wanted and only what she 'needed,' wasn't they suppose to give her everything she asked for? Why couldn't she walk around, she wasn't bed bound by any means.

And like Antonio had said, they diligently came to check up on her every hour, or even half depending on her mood after they left her. It was annoying to close her eyes for a few seconds, and open them to the sight of a random maid staring holes into her forehead. Quick with tasks, she couldn't be upset about that, but very intrusive, arranging her leg in different places, making sure no light was coming through the curtains, or refilling the glass of water by her nightstand.

"Is Charlie awake? Isla? Or is Jennifer back with Antonio?" She'll take anybody, but this awkward silence was torture for her, along with the silence that followed the maids everywhere they went leaving and coming without a sound.

"Charlie?" For the first time they responded, blinking confusingly at her, "who is this Charlie, Miss?"

"Charlie? My Father? Antonio's father! Our father! You don't know who he is?" Servants who don't even know who they're serving, she really was questioning whether her brother knew what he was doing or not.

"Oh? Master Swan." The maid nodded, almost like she finally understood what Bella was trying to say, "He might be asleep, but I can check for the Miss." While it was weird to be called Miss, Bella was more concerned with the master part? Really? They're highly dedicated to their job if they're addressing them like royalty.


"Want me to give him a message?"

"No, just want to make sure he's okay, I heard he was injured." She also was curious about what exactly happened, a bit upset with Rosalie and Esme for letting him get hurt in the first place, but if it was something that they couldn't reveal themselves for then she fully understood. She'll hate to have Charlie stuck in this world that he most definitely didn't belong in.

"Of course, do you need anything else?"

"No, I'm fine." She glanced at the clock, twelve. Usually she would be dead asleep at this time with Edward laying on the bed beside her, it felt a bit weird to not feel that coldness she had long since gotten used to, but what else could she do.

"Then I shall take my leave." Very stiffly they made their way out the door, "do call if you need anything." They had always had a weird way of walking, and talking. All the maids she had seen so far had the same stoic, yet stiff movement as they completed whatever task they were doing. Very weird, but who was she to judge, they seemed like very stuck up people, looking after other stuck ups.

"Weirdo." Rolling her eyes, she tried once again to get a signal on her phone, irritated and a bit curious to know if anybody else was suffering like she was, "damn this place!"


"I'm sure she's fine." Rosalie signed, that drive was long, very long to the point they gave up midway and had it shipped via plane, and because of how trashy the truck was to begin with she had currently finished working on it for tonight, "she's with he brother and I'm sure he won't let anything happen to her." Her brother was strange, handsome, but very unusual yet she seemed to be the only one other than Edward to sense that.

The Swan Has HornsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora