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"When you said we were going to be sharing a house, you didn't mean a house with one bathroom right?" Isla grimaced, it was easy enough when they had multiple bathrooms, but one? Jennifer took hours just to bathe, and she'll admit to spending a few hours just enjoying the heat of the water before actually bathing herself. It'll be hard to share one bathroom that has a limited amount of hot water, "please tell me that there's another one somewhere." She was cautious when speaking, not wanting to hurt the older man's feelings who seemed excited to show the baby in his arms. They were just so cute together, and she didn't have the hurt to pull them apart at the moment.

"No, there's just one." It wouldn't take much to rush Isla out the bathroom, but Jennifer was a problem all on her own. He'll have to share his time with her in order to move her out far quicker than what was normal for her, "but my dad leaves for work real early, and comes back real late so we don't have to worry about being backed up." He hoped that was just what he had remembered, but if he had any common sense he'll know that his father had taken off work for a few days in order to spend time with his son...and granddaughter.

"Damn." Jennifer groaned, her back was sore from the crouching she had to do in order to fit in the backseat, and she was feeling a little famished at the moment. Charlie was smelling quite delicious right now, "I hate this place already." She felt like disappearing back to her own home, but she'll admit to finding Forks an interesting place to live since it was so different from their little town in England.

This place also would be quite the aesthetic for the nightly bar of the undead. They could get food, and see friends all at the same time, while having a quick place to travel between the underworld, and the land of the living. Of course it'll take some time to set it up though, dark corners of the town would have to be scavenged and charmed in order to keep the normal out, and the place itself would have to be built out of sight from the humans that wandered the night also. Antonio could put Jennifer in charge of that, she needed something to do and he thought this would be great for her to decorate her favorite place in the world.

"It'll be fun." It wasn't everyday that they lived in such a compact place, and Antonio missed his little home with his father, "the house will also be finished in about a week so we won't be here long." He might stay a little longer with his father though, He didn't want to leave the man that was so excited to have him back just yet.

"I guess." She didn't care, though she was a little curious about the house that was almost ready. She was ready to enjoy a little quiet life in the woods despite the fact she trashed it earlier, the area was nice, but boring.

Though with tight lips, the two women had followed behind the excited Father-son duo with the fakest smiles they could muster. Uncomfortable was only the thing that seemed to be going through the both of them, but for the sake of love they both stepped through the doors that they wouldn't leave out of for a few days.

"I'll help with taking your bags up the stairs, and get Bella out of her room." Charlie never learned to cook, so therefore he was going to take them to the diner that he knew and loved. He was fortunate enough that Bella would cook meals for the night, but she had recently stopped doing that after she got with Edward. He wasn't that much upset about it since he never expected her to do it, but deep down he was a little dejected at the thought that she probably only did it because she needed to repay him for something that shouldn't have been expected from him.

"Your old man hasn't learnt how to cook still, so I hope you don't mind eating at the diner." He was far too happy to bring up something old that they used to do, even happier at the thought of having both his children to do it with.

"Yeah! Is Cora still working there?" He missed that woman, it was truly a shame that she didn't get to live her dream as a chef, but she certainly was making her parents proud by running the family diner, "I missed her cooking." He ignored the lifted brow from Jennifer knowing damn well it's been a few years since he'd actually eaten cooked food.

"Most certainly." He handed Kyrie back to her mother, the girls smiling softly at the man who seemed so happy to have them there. They expected a little side eyeing or even questions about their relationship, but Charlie had kept his mouth shut about anything that might've been perceived as unacceptable to their relationship. Does he care? Does he even know that they're both dating his son and not just one? The two of them decided to keep their mouths shut, if he didn't know then there was no rush to tell him in fear that it might mess something up.

"You girls mind, eating out?" His attention had mostly been directed to the baby, and Antonio. He felt a little embarrassed that he barely talked to the two of them, and felt even more flustered at the fact that he even had forgotten about them while they drove back, "we don't have to eat at a diner if that's not what you ladies want. There's a nice restaurant in Port Angeles if you two prefer something different." The diner had good food, yeah, but they didn't have the most luxurious food. It was mostly greasy, and when he took Bella there he noticed she didn't really enjoy her meal like he thought she would. He didn't mind traveling a little farther to feed a couple of bellies.

"Oh no, the diner is fine." Surprisingly enough, it was Jennifer who smiled and denied the kind offer, "I've never eaten at a diner before and I'm sure it'll be a good experience." She was starving anyways she'll eat a few animals outside if she waited any longer.

"Yeah, we're fine." Isla smiled, she wasn't hungry but it didn't hurt to try some new foods.

"That's good." Well he got them taken care of, now he had his daughter that stayed locked up in her room for the entire twenty minutes that they had been home. He hoped she wasn't asleep but realistically it was only five in the afternoon so there really shouldn't be a reason that she retired to her room this early, "I'll go get your sister." He had to prepare himself for the battle with the teen upstairs who was obviously against the idea of sharing the house with a few other people for a little bit. He never had raised a teen so maybe Antonio had given Renee's grandparents a run for their money when he got older, but something just told him that Bella was still upset about her boyfriend being banned from the house.

"He's nice or whatever." Jennifer shrugged, she still wouldn't dare to admit that she was the happy human who was starting to grow on her. She missed having a doting father figure.

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