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Winnie reached Libby's house at six, stocked with sour gummy worms, Ferris Bueler's Day Off and Japanese sodas from the mall. Climbing out of her car parked behind Jake's, she carried her bag and the tub of gummy worms.

"Is it the pizza guy?" Jake loudly asked as Winnie knocked on the door.

"Fat ass," Winnie called, going into Libby's house and kicking off her shoes.

"I'm a growing boy," Jake whined, sprawled out on the couch in the living room.

"You've grown enough, big foot," Libby said, at the end of the sofa with his head in her lap.

Winnie grinned, setting down the gummy worms and soda. She removed her movie pick, getting a cheer from her friends. "What kind of pizza did we get?" There was a hesitation and no verbal response. "Cheese and pineapple?"

"Which one of us did you get that from?" Jake asked, smiling.

"Libby." Winnie stood after putting her dvd into the player, "You were singing the macarena."

Jake only laughed, "Yeah, I was."

"Pizza's here," Winnie said, getting a twenty from Libby and going to the door. She opened the door, slightly surprising the delivery guy. "Oh, hey Lane."

Lane smiled halfly, a dimple popping. "Hey Winnie." His brown hair was hidden by his hat but his eyes were sparkling blue. "Good night?"

"Not too bad." She handed him the twenty, getting the pizzas in exchange. "You?"

"Pretty good. Tips haven't been too bad."

Damn she looks good.

Winnie lightly smiled, its cause hidden from Lane. "That's always good." She pulled a five from her pocket. "Might not compare, but I do need some gas money."

Lane held up the five, "This is my gas money. Thanks, Winnie. Have a good night."

"You too, Lane," Winnie replied, going back into the house with the food.

"Is it like playing God when you can hear people's thoughts?" Jake asked when Winnie returned with pizza, immediately going for a slice.

"Jake," Libby hissed, hitting his leg.

"It's fine, Libs." Winnie said, "And I guess it sort of is. Unfair? Definitely."

"Do you have a choice if you hear someone's thoughts or not?" Jake, who was newest to being aware of Winnie's abilities, was curious.

"I used to not, but with time I could. At about fourteen it was completely up to me. Well, if I'm focused, at least. Otherwise pretty much anything can slip in," Winnie answered, setting the pizza boxes on the coffee table.

"I know it's not something you love, but it is pretty cool," Jake said, soft about it.

"I guess it is a little," Winnie agreed, sitting on the seat with a slice of pizza in hand as the movie began.

"Life moves pretty fast..."

Winnie, like her friends, was settled down in her comfy space, but couldn't actually get comfortable. She wiggled around, trying but with no avail.

"Win, you good?" Jake asked after looking over to her during Ferris trying to convince Cameron to take the Ferrari.

"I'm fine," Winnie replied, completely laid back with one leg hanging off the side.

No you're not. Jake held her gaze, lifting his eyebrows at her.

Winnie only lightly shrugged, unsure herself of what it was exactly. She tried to focus on the movie; on the chaos of the classic 80's film.

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