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    "So, Winnie, your father tells us you play water polo."

Winnie felt like she was under the ocean, unable to breathe. When Aaron tapped his foot against her leg lightly, the waves filtered away and the sounds of dinner replaced it.

"She asked about water polo, Win," Aaron told her, wondering what was going on in her head.

"Oh," Winnie felt herself blush slightly, "it's hard work but I love it."

"When is your season?" Chris questioned, at the head of the table opposite of his wife.

"Late March to the end of the school year," she said, mainly shifting food around on her plate to look like she had the stomach to eat.

This family made her too nervous to let her guard down.

"It's sort of like volleyball, isn't it?" Allison went next in the course of questions.

"Sort of the same concept, yes," Winnie replied, able to tell that Allison had eased with her some. "Deep end matches are tougher on your legs."

"I'd imagine so," Victoria said with charm in her voice. "You must be quite a strong girl."

Winnie only laughed lightly, an awkward sense to her. She thought of all the drawings involving the Argents; of all of the carnage.

They'd caused so much pain, yet they sat unharmed in a nice house eating fancy food.

But Winnie supposed that in any reality, that was what society had become whether it was in supernatural mannerisms or not.

When the table was cleared after a store bought dessert, Victoria put her hands together. "Coffee, anyone?"

Aaron put down Winnie's hand before rising, "I'd love some."

Chris stood, "I'll join you."

"Hey, Mom? I think Winnie and I'll go for a walk." Allison looked to the newest addition to Beacon Hills, "If you're up for it."

Winnie slightly hesitated, "Sure, why not?"

"Be safe," Chris said, squeezing his daughter's shoulder before going into the kitchen with the other adults.

"Do you want a jacket?" Allison asked, pulling down a black coat, the pair by the door.

"Yes, thanks." Winnie put on the tan trench coat before following Allison out the front door. Making sure it shut, she went down the steps with the youngest Argent.

"Sorry about being so...intense earlier," Allison apologized after a moment once the two had taken a turn and were on their way around the block. "It's just, a lot of weird things have happened here and I was worried you'd somehow be tied to it. I'm nice, I promise."

"Don't worry about it. I understand," Winnie replied, tucking her arms together to conserve more heat. "How did I do?"

Allison laughed, thankful for the level of understanding she had. "You passed."

Winnie knew that she shouldn't have passed, but she wasn't exactly ready to tell a bunch of strangers that she's the live action Danny Torrence.

"So," Allison had a tinge of awkwardness in her voice but was trying to pass over it, "only a month? Kind of sucks, you know. As much as I hated surprise moves, the anticipation is worse. You know it's coming and it holds you back from doing things."

"Things like what?" Winnie asked, lifting an eyebrow over at Allison.

"Like..." she looked up to the sky as she spoke, "like going out for a play or, dating, or-"

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