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Both surprisingly and thankfully, Winnie's arrival to Beacon Hills High wasn't a major impact on the students.

Apparently, a girl had been running around the woods naked for two days.

And Winnie thought the murder on the night she arrived was the strangest event. Clearly, Lydia Martin proved her wrong.

Speaking of, the strawberry blonde who was nine pounds thinner, came into Winnie's European Studies class.

The few curious eyes on Winnie shifted to Lydia, who looked perpetually terrified for only a minute.

Lydia took in a breath, bringing on a facade as she walked back towards Winnie. In a dress and heels with a brown leather jacket over, she set her things on the desk next to the new student. It took her at least three looks to realize she didn't know who was next to her. "Who are you?"

Winnie was slightly startled by her tone, "Uh, I'm Winnie. I'm new."

"Winnie?" Lydia asked with soft judgement, "Like Winnie the Pooh?"

She kept a flat tone, "Yeah."

Lydia hesitated, not used to someone not letting her rule. She clicked her tongue, opening her textbook. "Where are you from, Winnie?"

"Colorado. About and hour outside of Denver."

Lydia looked down, double taking at her shoes. "Is that where you got those because they are the most killer shoes I've ever seen."

"Oh," Winnie moved her foot, looking at her black velveteen platform booties. "No, they're from Shanghai. My dad bought them for me on a business trip."

"Wow." She had an impressed tone, "They're quality."

"Thanks." Winnie leaned back in her seat, flipping a pink ink pen between her fingers.

"How long have you been here?" Lydia quietly asked, class beginning.

"I got here last night," she replied softly, copying down notes that their teacher was writing out on the chalkboard.

"What are you here for?"

"Dad's job," Winnie whispered, their conversation dropping until the end of class. When Winnie was ready to leave, Lydia took her attention again.

"Are you a junior?"

"No, sophomore." Winnie left the room with her, walking side by side.

"Me too." She took another look at Winnie. "Do you want to sit with me at lunch?"

Winnie didn't want to turn into Cady from Mean Girls and eat lunch in the bathroom, so she accepted despite the fact this girl went stark in the woods. "Sure, I just need to switch out some of my books."

"I, uh, I have to talk to Jackson so i'll meet you in a minute," Lydia said, her eyes on a boy in a douchy sweater with cheekbones carved from marble.

"Alright, I'm just down here." Winnie had already lost Lydia to the kid who knew he was attractive. "Yeah, okay." She lightly shook her head, having to look to the code on her schedule to find it.

Down the hall, Lydia seemed to be struggling to talk sense into Jackson.

Winnie halfly watched, glancing towards the pair as she put away the new books she'd received over her first few classes.

Jackson stopped, his back to Lydia. He smirked, saying one more thing before walking off.

Lydia cleared her throat, slowly coming up to Winnie as she shut her locker door.

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