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    The Argent home remained quiet, the commotion of the night having died down.

Winnie walked along the length of the house with Chris, giving Scott and Allison time upstairs. She glanced over to him as they neared the basement, "What will you do now?"

"I think we're gonna go out of town for awhile," Argent told her. "Get some time away. We have roots in France, so maybe I'll take her there."

"Good," Winnie said with a light smile. "You both could use it."

Before Chris could reply, his eyes fell on the half open door to the basement. "Come on," he told her as he cautiously went in.

Winnie followed him down the stairs, worried one of the hunters she'd knocked out had gone downstairs to take care of the captive wolves.

Chris flicked on the basement light, fluorescence coating an empty room. The wires had been torn from the ceiling and strips of duct tape were crumpled on the floor. "They're gone."

Winnie let out a sigh of relief, "Thank god. They got out."

"Will they go back to Derek?" Chris curiously asked her.

"Not likely," Winnie replied with a shake of her head. "Erica and Boyd were on their way out. They were looking for another pack. I imagine that's where they were headed."

"Allison nearly killed them," Chris told her. "Isaac, she even went after you."

"A lot of things happened, Chris. She wasn't herself. None of us were." Winnie followed Chris back up the steps, the two having planned on releasing Erica and Boyd. "It was Gerard's game. He was playing with us and for a while, he was winning."

"You know," Chris shut the basement door behind them, "you've got a knack for this. Not your shine, but-"

"I don't want to be a hunter," Winnie quickly told him as the pair stopped in the kitchen. "Not when my friends are supernatural, just as I am."

"You don't have to seek out a fight, Winnie. But you should be able to protect yourself and your friends. Like tonight, you had your gun and you were willing to fight." Chris leaned on the island, watching her. "Maybe it started as a game, for you to survive against Gerard, but you have skills. You have a talent for this."

"I just learned how to shoot a gun-"

"In a matter of days, Winnie. You have an unlimited supply of weapons so you can become versatile. You can learn quickly and proficiently." Chris looked hopeful, "You can protect yourself and your friends. This town is hell bent on ruining lives at some point or another."

Winnie hesitated, thinking about what he was saying. "If you're leaving, how would I learn? You're the only hunter I trust."

"Self defense classes," Chris offered. "Have your father teach you about the weapons he sells. Get your wolf pals to help you with hand to hand. Do it your way, and do it right."

Winnie halfly laughed, running a hand along her jaw. "You make it sound so easy."

"It won't be," he told her. "But it'll be worth it. I'll put together some things for you, okay? Enough to keep yourself protected. How does that sound?"

She nodded softly, "All right, Argent. I'll take you up on that." Winnie shook his hand, still smiling.

"Good kid."

"There's no such thing as fate."

Winnie looked up above her, her eyebrows furrowing. She could hear Scott's voice, more audible than a thought.

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