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Winnie went hesitantly through Beacon Hills High, unzipping her coat as she did. She pushed through a hallway door before heading upstairs. Although not questioning why none of the school was locked, she difted up to the art room.

In darkness, the room stood vacant.

Winnie flicked on the lights, setting her bag on a chair by the door. Peeling off her coat, she pushed up her sleeves. She found an empty canvas and waiting patiently for her was a tray of paints. Lightly furrowing her eyebrows, she picked up a palette and felt herself slip into her shine.

She felt everything around her; the hum of the lights, the staleness of the air, the ripples of a pool not too far away.

But at the same time, she felt nothing at all.

Winnie stepped back, dropping her paintbrush onto the palette as she looked wide eyed at the wet canvas.

Choked, she was terrified.

She was in it.

She was in the painting.

"That's never happened before," Winnie quietly said.

It was Stiles and Derek in the school pool, the lizard man, and Winnie diving in out of the grip of the creature.

Never, not once, had she drawn or painted herself in one of her images created by her shining.

Yet, it was undoubtedly her done in acrylic.

Winnie glanced down to the sweater she wore, it pigmented the same in the artwork in front of her. Her eyebrows drew together, worried hands setting down her palette as she wondered how she knew it was the school's pool.

She'd never been to the pool, but she started to drift out of the art room without any of her belongings.

In fact, she didn't even know where their pool was.

Yet Winnie took a left and two rights as if she knew where she was going and was hit with the strong scent of chlorine.

Winnie stood in front of the pool room door, hesitating before reaching out for the handle. Pulling, the door swung open to reveal a dim room with the ripples of water nearly deafening.

"Is that it?"

"I don't know," Stiles' voice replied to a deeper one. He let out a sputtered breath, struggling in the water.

Winnie slowly stepped in, following the voices. She stilled, finding Erica unconscious on the ground.


The brunette spun around, hearing Stiles. "Why are you guys in the-" A chill ran down her spine as a hiss echoed in the room. "Oh, dear god."

"Jones, you need to get in the pool, now," Stiles said in minor panic.

Winnie glanced over her shoulder, seeing a reptilian scaled creature slowly walking towards her. "Holy-"

"Winnie, run!" Stiles shouted.

The teen darted, leaping into the pool in a perfect arch. A foot felt free as she skimmed below the water, only to find the monster clutching one of her boots.

Winnie's heart pounded as her clothes and hair plastered to her, the creature looking dead into her eyes. She yanked off the other boot, throwing it with the force of a water polo ball.

The reptile abomination recoiled as the shoe hit its face, a hiss breaking from its mouth.

"Jesus, that thing's uglier in real life," Winnie commented in annoyance.

The Shining ¥ Teen WolfTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon