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Winnie sat in the passenger's seat of her own car, resting her head against the cool window. She absently checked a message from Stiles, the brightness causing her to lightly wince.

kara simmons, she's dead. kanima

Winnie closed her eyes, hating that she'd gotten it right.

Driving the Malibu, Isaac glanced over to Winnie. "What is it?"

"No master, but instead we got another dead girl. Kara, the one running the rave," Winnie softly told him as she powered off her phone and set it in her lap. "Right after Jackson escaped he took care of her."

"You know it's not your fault," said Isaac as he split his attention between Winnie and the road.

"I know, I just, I hate that we couldn't stop it." Winnie let go of a soft sigh as the car pulled up outside of the Jones house. "Thank you for driving me, you didn't have to."

"I wanted to." Isaac turned off the car, climbing out as Winnie did. "I'll walk you up."

Winnie held out her hand behind her as Isaac walked around the front of the Malibu. She softly smiled, Isaac wrapping his hand around hers. Quietly, they walked up to the front door of the Jones home.

Isaac spoke up when Winnie let go of him to open the door. "Winnie." He took her waist, bringing her close to him. Resting his forehead against hers, he could hear her heartbeat raise.

Before Winnie could react, Isaac removed the gun from the garter on her thigh and held the semiauto by the barrel.

Winnie closed her eyes, "I can explain." She looked up to Isaac, reaching back and opening the front door. She'd unlocked the system through her phone, knowing Aaron wasn't home. "Come inside, I'll explain."

"Are you going to shoot me?"

"If I was going to shoot you, Isaac, I would've done it any other time you were here without me inviting you in first." Winnie went into the foyer, looking back to the wolf standing just outside. "I'll get you a drink." Leaving it up to him, she backed away from the door and headed towards the kitchen.

As Winnie went to the fridge and opened the doors, behind her there was a soft click of metal.

Leaning with his palms on the counter, Isaac had set the gun on top of the island. "So explain."

Winnie, returning to the spot where she'd left her phone, set two unopen cokes on the island and slid one of them to him. "My father supplies Argent Arms." She undid the garter buckled around her thigh and set the holster on the island. "His company has for ages, even when my grandfather ran it. I only found out recently. The Argents, they think I'm with them."

Isaac's eyebrows furrowed, "Why- why would you do that?"

"So Gerard doesn't kill me." Winnie held eye contact with Isaac for a moment, "They don't know what I can do but Gerard nearly caught me. The library with Erica - he saw the footage. The only lie that would work was that I was involved with the 'family business'. It's the only way to protect myself from the monster."

"So they think you've been spying - getting in good with the supernaturals in town?" asked Isaac.

"Exactly," she replied as she lightly tapped her fingers on the island. "As long as I keep pretending, Gerard doesn't put me on his kill list. They thought I was scouting for them, just like Allison. It's a game, Isaac. I have to play it."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I would have, but you kind of distracted me," Winnie pointed out without a full smile. "So I guess that's sort of on you."

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