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    Winnie woke in a fog, sound and sight blurry as she came to.

"Easy, easy," a voice softly said in a muffled tone. "Take it easy, Win."

Winnie mumbled, a deathly white room coming into focus around her. "Wh-" She went to sit up, a pain spiking through the right side of her torso.

Aaron, although blurrily, put a hand on her other shoulder to help her back down.  "Careful, Winowna."

"Dad, what happened?" Winnie questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

"You got shot, hon."

She then heard the beeps, monitoring her own heartbeat. She was in a hospital, strung up like a ragdoll.

Winnie looked to her right arm, bandages peeking out from the sleeve of her hospital gown. "Oh, right," she quietly said.

"Win, do you remember what happened?" Aaron asked as he sat next to her.

Winnie glanced out the large window, night cloaking the sky. "I - I went to the woods, for a walk." She looked back to Aaron, not implicating Isaac. "I remember the sound, just not...anything after."

"Nurse McCall said you came in by yourself, unsure of what was going on," her father told her.

"By myself?"

"Yes," Aaron hesitantly said. "Why? Were you with someone?"

"No," lied Winnie easily, "I'm only trying to figure out what happened."

Aaron watched Winnie carefully, able to tell she knew slightly more than she was saying. "Well, they don't know who shot you, but they can figure it out."

Winnie, however, knew who it was. In a brief flash of memory, she could see him over Isaac's shoulder. But she stayed quiet on the matter.

"It was more a graze than anything," Aaron told her as he flipped his phone around in his hands absently. "Barely any muscle damage, which is fantastic, and with a few days rest - without ripping your stitches - you'll be just fine."

"Can I go home?"

Aaron hesitated if she meant their house in Beacon or Colorado, but even he had sensed the change in her. "I'll go get Nurse McCall, I'll see where you're at."

Winnie softly smiled as Aaron stood, "Thank you." She waited until he was gone, reaching with her good arm for her phone on the night stand. She hadn't even noticed the flowers until then.

It had already hit midnight, most of the members of the town asleep and anticipating the lacrosse match to come.

She'd lost six hours of her time; not remembering anything beyond 6 p.m. in the Preserve with Isaac.

Gun shot, white burning pain, then waking in a hospital bed.

Melissa poked her head in, smiling as she did so. "Hey kid."

Winnie had herself sit up a little more than before, "Mrs. McCall, what happened to me? My dad said I came in alone, but I was-"

"You were with Isaac, don't worry. I only told him you were alone because Isaac and I agreed it would be best." Nurse McCall went around the left side of Winnie's bed, checking on all the machines. "You were unconcious from shock and the bullet was still clinging to your arm."

Winnie let out a sigh of relief, "Thank god."

Melissa lifted an eyebrow, "What's that for?"

"He's okay," Winnie said.

"A little blood on him when he brought you but it may have been yours," Melissa told her. "He wouldn't say much, he just wanted to make sure you were taken care of."

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