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     Lydia's party was in full swing, Libby's playlist thrumming through every speaker the Martin's owned.

Winnie held a punch glass as she danced with Jake by the pool, the liquid inside still untouched by her. She couldn't help but laugh, enjoying her time even though the moon hung like a taunting trigger.

"Win," Libby called over the music, "Allison wants you." She took the brunette's shoulders, spinning her around.

Momentarily lost, Winnie soon spotted the Argent holding up the phone she couldn't keep on her. Immediately she thought of Isaac. She ducked out of the mob of dancers, quickly getting to Allison.

"It's Lahey," Allison told her as she handed the ringing phone over.

Winne slid her thumb across the screen, putting her cell to her ear. "Isaac?"

"Hey," he calmly replied in greeting, "how's the party?"

"It's alright," said Winnie as she moved into the house further away from the noise. "How are you? It's your first shift, shouldn't you be focused on being calm instead of talking to me?"

"Kind of works hand in hand," he told her. "Derek's about to lock me up but I wanted to talk to you first."

"Shmooshing your way to the top," remarked Winnie with a laugh. "Clever."

Isaac chuckled on the other end of the line, "Something like that." He hesitated a moment, "Can I see you in the morning?"

Winnie smiled, leaning against the staircase. "Maybe."

"That's all I get?" asked Isaac with a laugh, "A maybe?"

"Yes, that's all you get," Winnie replied. "It's just enough to keep you interested."

"Oh, I'm plenty interested."

"Jesus," spat Erica in the background of the call, "get a room or get off the phone."

"Let's go Isaac," Derek said not a second after Erica.

"Tomorrow morning?" Isaac questioned again with hope in his voice.

Winnie smiled, idly holding her punch glass. "Maybe." She put down her phone when the call ended, her lips still curved upwards as she took a sip of the punch. Her nose scrunched a little at the taste, unsure of what it was. "Needs vodka," she mumbled to herself before heading for the kitchen.

Outside by the pool while Winnie searched for vodka, Stiles was getting tired of Allison and Scott stealing longing looks at each other.

Leaned against the giant pillar with a glass in hand, Stiles finally had to say it. "Are you gonna apologize to Allison or what?"

Scott's face flooded with confusion, "Why should I apologize?"

"Because you're the guy," Stiles flatly said. "It's what we do."

Scott briefly looked over to Allison, "But I didn't do anything wrong."

"Then you should definitely apologize," Jake said while holding up a hand in admittance to eavesdropping. He put a hand on Scott's shoulder, standing between the dynamic duo. "See, anytime a guy thinks he hasn't done anything wrong, it means he's definitely done something wrong."

Stiles pointed to Jake while looking at Scott, "He gets it."

Scott gazed down at the pool, "I'm not apologizing."

"Is that the full moon talking, buddy?" questioned Stiles almost condescendingly.

The beta nodded, already aware Jake knew about the secrets of Beacon Hills. "Probably. Why do you two care, anyway?"

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