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    Winnie rifled through the downstairs closet with her good arm, removing a navy utility jacket. She looked at the sleeves, hesitating to put it on. "Well, shit."

"Let me," offered Aaron as he came out from the den to the foyer. He helped her put one arm through, fitting the other to hang over her slung arm. "How's that?"

"Good, thank you," replied Winnie as she cracked her neck and grabbed her bag off the end of the staircase.

Aaron stopped Winnie as she went to open the front door. "Do you need me to drive you?"

"No, Stiles is out front," she said with only half focus as she was already out the door.

"Is there anything I can say to make you not go to the game?"

Winnie looked back to her father, the Jeep behind her, "I can't live my life in fear. It's no life at all." She went up on her toes, kissing Aaron on the cheek before going down to the Jeep.

"You're looking good for someone who got shot yesterday," commented Stiles with half a grin as he shifted the gear into drive.

"I do try," Winnie jokingly replied as she used her good arm to fluff her hair. She pretended to be okay, but she was really only wondering why Isaac wasn't talking to her.

"It's not your dominant hand, is it? I know it's your upper arm but that sling kind of inhibits drawing." Stiles glanced over to her as he drove out of her neighborhood.

Winnie agreed, but her face said there was a catch. "Even if it were my writing hand that was out of commission, the shining just uses what it can. It'll turn out the same with either hand."

Stiles' eyebrows furrowed, "You're shitting me, right?"

"I wish," Winnie brushed a wave of hair from her face, "If breaking my hand meant I could have a week off, I would rip off my arms."

"So if you break both of your hands," said Stiles, "you could draw the same quality with like, your toes?"

Winnie couldn't help but laugh, "I've never been in the situation, but it seems like it would be like that."

Stiles shook his head with a grin, "That's insane."

"No, this town is insane," retorted Winnie as the Jeep pulled into the school parking lot. "I'm only a moderate head case."

"Will you tell me if you ever break both your hands, because I would pay to watch you shine with your toes."

Winnie climbed out of Roscoe as Stiles did, going around the front as Stiles grabbed his bag from the backseat. "I'll break my hands if you paid me."

"Right after this game, I'm gonna go get a job."

Winnie walked towards the field with Stiles, still laughing. "Sounds good to me."

"Winnie," Stiles stopped outside of the outdoor entrance to the locker room, "what are you going to do if Jackson loses it tonight?"

The brunette seemed matter-of-fact in her response.

"I think you mean when."

¥ ¥ ¥

A coolness clung to the night air in Beacon, a pathetic game of lacrosse about to happen under the blinding lights.

Winnie couldn't stay in the stands as the game was about to start, making her way to the bench that Stiles and Scott sat at in uniform.

"Your dad coming?" Scott asked Winnie over his shoulder as she sat down backwards next to Stiles.

The Shining ¥ Teen WolfOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz