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    The alarms in the station flailed, the emergency generator casting beams of light throughout the building.

"What is this? What's going on?" Matt sharply asked as he stood up from the desk he leaned on.

"Matt, Matt," Winnie grabbed his arm, "you said you took my drawings. How many?" She spoke over the alarms, needing his attention. "Matt, this is important. How many drawings did you take?"

"A notebook," Matt replied as he quickly looked around. "It was a full sketchbook."

"Full? Matt!" Winnie tightened her grip on him, "Did you look through it? Did you see what I drew? Did you see what happens next?"

"I - I didn't look-"

Gun shots rang out, shattering the station windows with graceful machine guns.

"Get down!" Winnie shouted, knowing all too well who was on the other side shooting.

The teens dropped to the floor, ducking under desks for cover as glass sprayed in like rain and semi-auto rounds deafened them.

Trophies and photos were ripped by gunfire and all the security cameras were rendered inoperable.

But all at once, the bullets ceased.

Winnie stayed where she was, exchanging looks with Scott as silence coated the room. In the pit of her stomach, the sick feeling she got when Gerard was near grew.

Matt laid on his back, slowly lowering his hands from shielding his eyes. He heard a ping in the air, his eyes widening as a small black object flew over them.

Smoke pummeled out of their present, coating the floor within moments.

"We need to get out of here," Winnie coughed as the coolness of the smoke slinked along her arms. She moved onto her knees, able to see Scott follow her lead.

"Run!" Scott yelled, grabbing Winnie's hand and pulling her up from the ground.

Winnie took Scott's hand, darting out of the room with him. "They're here for Derek," she heavily said before the two collided into Jackson.

The half-present kanima shoved them out of the way, running into the office for Matt. He could feel it inside; his master in trouble.

Winnie ran into Stilinski's office, she and Scott letting go of each other as they came across Stiles and Derek still paralyzed.

"Take him," Derek ordered. "Now!"

Winnie reached down to the alpha, helping him up off the ground. "I'll get you out of here." She nodded to Scott, who had a limp Stiles leaning on him. "Get him somewhere safe."

Scott didn't have to be told twice, hauling Stiles out of the room.

"I don't know why you're helping me," Derek said as he balanced himself despite stiff legs. "You've seen all I've done."

"And I know it's not all that bad," Winnie replied before checking over her shoulder. "You need to leave now. Right now, because they're only coming for you. Matt and Jackson were just bonus."

"It's because of Victoria."

Winnie didn't even hesitate, "I know. I also know she wasn't exactly innocent." She started to pull him, the alpha's eyes sparking red as a monstrous shriek shrouded the building. "Jackson will kill all of you if I leave."

"Everyone else will kill you if you don't," she snapped in response. She met his eyes, knowing the look in them. "You're not going to leave, are you? Ah, shit," she sighed, removing her gun - recovered before going to talk to Matt - and turned off the safety. "Then don't get killed."

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