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    Winnie, changed from the clothes she'd left the substation in, was already out the front door of her house before Mr. Jones even noticed she'd returned after being gone for over a night.

The malibu raced towards the high school, Winnie needing to get to the library.

Interpreted from her drawings, she knew most of the town's supernaturals had been thrown in detention together.

Winnie pulled up to the parking lot, climbing out with determination. Her small frame hurried into the school, maneuvering off slim memory of how to get to the library in the east wing of the school.

"No one leaves their seats."

Winnie ducked around a corner, Jackson surfacing with Mr. Harris in tow. She counted to ten, poking her head around to find an empty hall.

The library sat in silence, all focus going to the door as Winnie slid in.

Sitting with Erica, both Scott and Stiles perked at Winnie's arrival.

Winnie quickly walked to their table, getting a surprised look from Erica as she sat down next to Scott. "I felt like I was missing too much at home," she said, not implicating Derek or his pack.

Scott nodded before turning to Erica, unbothered by Winnie joining them. "Stiles says you know how Jackson's parents died."

Although irritated by Winnie's presence, Erica acted as if it were nothing. "Maybe."

Scott, beyond desperate, flexed his hand in aggravation. "Talk."

Erica shut her notebook, setting it down on her laptop and leaving her pen with it. "It was a car accident. My dad was the insurance investigator, and every time he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he's 18."

"So not only is Jackson rich now, but he's getting even richer at 18?" asked Winnie with an unbelievable tone.

"Yep," Erica replied with a half smirk.

Stiles sighed, "There's something so deeply wrong with that."

"You know what?" Erica started to open her laptop. "I could try to find the insurance report in my dad's inbox. He keeps everything."

Winnie arched an eyebrow, her forearms on the table. "Why are you helping us?"

Erica only held a snide look, not answering her as she clicked away on her keyboard in search of the right file.

The PA crackled to life, Victoria Argent's voice coming through. "Scott McCall please report the the principal's office."

Both Winnie and Stiles found the concerned look on Scott's face, even Allison worried at the table behind them.

"That doesn't sound too good," Winnie mumbled.

Erica looked dead set on Winnie, mentally wondering how she'd gotten out of the sub station. "Do you know what's going on with Jackson?"

"He's hallucinating," Winnie said as if it were nothing. She looked up as Scott stood, wishing him luck.

After a few minutes of Erica searching her father's inbox, the library doors reopened.

Jackson, paler than before with sweat on his face, rejoined the group and sat back down.

"Miss Jones?" Mr. Harris, having come in with Jackson, gave Winnie a strange look. "What are you doing in here?"

"Detention, sir. Another girl cheated off my paper without me knowing and it apparently looked like I was letting her." Winnie covered her tracks smoothly, it practically graceful.

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