King Duties

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Xander’s POV

Today is the day I have to go investigate a pack, Because neighboring packs believe the pack is being treated unfairly and that they are abusing pack members. I have a love-hate relationship with being the King of werewolves. The worst part is I don't have a Luna ruling by my side. Although I must admit I am scared of having a Mate. Watching my mom lose my dad it was so heart wrenching and I don't know if I could go through that kind of heartbreak. You lose a half of you, And after all I have to be strong for all the wolves.

I grumble as I get up to get packed for this trip, The alpha, Alpha Atlas I think is his name, well, He thinks im coming just to see if things with the rogues have calmed down. But that is not the case. I know his son, Jacob, Goddess, I hate him. his father is stepping down in the fall and giving him the reigns. That pack is going to be driven into the ground. I'm surprised his father hasn't yet. 

I put all my clothes in my suitcase and all essentials needed for this trip. My Maids do the rest for me. I have to have a meeting with my Beta, Damon, To enlighten him of the situation at hand. I run my hand through my hair and sigh. I hate having to investigate packs for mistreatment. I walk up to my office and see my beta already sitting in the chair in front of my desk. I shut the door and sit down. 

“Xander” My beta says nodding his head in respect

“Damon, I suppose you want to know why we are going to the bloodlight pack” I state looking at him. He nods. 

“Neighboring packs that have been there within the last two months for meeting have brought to my attention that they might be abusing, either a pack member or multiple. So we have to go check it out just to make sure nothing is happening. I know you hate Greg and Jacob as much as me but, I want to make sure nothing is going on” I sigh putting my head in my hands. 

How an alpha can abuse his pack is just beyond me. You are supposed to care for your pack, make sure they are safe and have everything they need not abuse your power and abuse them. 

“Yeah, Ive heard some rumors of his daughter is the one getting all the abuse” Damon states rolling his eyes

I sigh. 

“ Yeah, I dont think a father would do that, So let's go check it out then make our decision that way” I look up at him. He looks very annoyed that we have to go there and see those ego filled bastards.

He nods and walks off so I can only assume get in the car. 

I slowly walk out dreading going to this pack. I jump in the car, and now we are off on our three hour drive to their pack. I slowly drift off to sleep.

“Alpha Greenwood” I hear someone say then softly shake me “wake up we are here” I have registered the voice as my Beta. I groaned and woke up looking around and realized I slept the whole trip. I look over at my beta “ Are you ready I guess” I say groggily. I hear him mutter “Yeah”. He always walks in front of me to ensure my safety as my Top warrior walks behind me. 

We walk up to the pack house and get invited in. As soon as we walk in I get hit with a strong scent of Blueberries and Roses. My wolf screams “ Mate” In my head. My wolf is a Lycan. There's only a few of us left. I look up at the scene in front of me, I see Greg and Jacob then only what i can Assume is his daughter. I stiffen looking at her, She's gorgeous. 

“Hello Greg, Jacob and who might you be” I ask, nodding towards my mate who is still looking at the ground. I look at her up and down to see if I say anything wrong with her. 

“ Hello Alpha Greenwood, Im Sophia” she says softly. My wolf purred rather loud to me, Sophia, Goddess she's so beautiful. I want to just jump on her right now and hold her in my arms. But I was scared and needed to remain professional.

“It's nice to meet you” I say softly trying not to startle her. I look at her to see if she has a reaction. She only looks up a little bit. I sigh internally. I just want to look into her eyes.

 “ Well, Sophia has duties to attend to, Go on upstairs” Greg says to her awfully stern. I look over at my beta and raise an eyebrow and he just looks at me shaking his head. I watched her walk away, my wolf was instantly upset that she wasn't close to us. I look at greg as he snickers when she walks upstairs. 

“ I'm sorry about her, She hasn't been the same since her mom died” He states laughing slightly. 

I only grunt not believing a word he says. I will talk to my mate about what is going on in this pack. 

“My Omegas will help you up to your rooms, and we will have that meeting bright and early in the morning.” Greg states trying to get us out of the room. I nod, Trying to be respectful, But i just want to be with my mate, But she didn't seem like she wanted much to do with me so i'll just have to get over it for now. I walk into one of their guest bedrooms as the omega, Jade, Puts my bag down in the room for me then bows and leaves me. I then take a shower and go straight to bed in hopes that morning will come quickly. 

“ I want mate now” My wolf tells me with sadness

“ Me too, But for now let her rest, I'm not sure how she feels about us” I try telling him to calm him down but I hear him whine and retreat to the back of my mind. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

In the morning I woke up later than expected. I yawn loudly and stretch. I missed breakfast in the dining hall. I internally facepalm, I missed my mate at breakfast.

“Hey, They are wanting to do that meeting soon, They let you sleep in because we got here later than expected and wanted to be respectful. Go down to the kitchen and grab a snack or something” Damon states via mindlink. 

“Yeah, I don't know why I slept in so late, It's already 9 am. I'll do that tho thanks” I sigh, blocking off the mindlink.

I groan and get out of bed grabbing out my nice suit, I get changed and head to the kitchen to see if I can grab something small to eat.  

I walk into the kitchen and nod at the various pack members walking around in it. I find Jade who helped me last night. 

“Hello Jade, Can i perhaps have some help finding a snack since i missed breakfast” I look at her and smile warmly 

“Of course, Alpha” She says cheerfully. She looks to be about 60 Years of age and is always so cheerful. 

After I eat my snack I walk out to the living room, Hoping to find my mate in there, But to my surprise she wasn't there. Greg walks into the room and clears his throat so everyone stops talking, He looks over at me. 

“ Well let's head up to my office, Soon to be jacobs” he says proudly. I think he's hiding something. Me and my beta walk up to his office and sit down and start talking about the rouges.

“So, Have you guys been having any rouge issues” I state looking at greg

“No, Rogues have been staying away from here the last several months' ' Jacob claims.

“So you guys haven't had any rogue issues lately?” I question “Have any came close to your territory 

“No, We haven't seen any rouges lately, We thought there just wasn't any, with all the other packs killing them and such” Jacob says shrugging it off. 

I nod. That’s all the meeting entailed they wanted it to end right away. I go back up to the room I am staying in and sit on the edge of the bed taking my hand through my hair.

 Apparently they are the only pack that hasn't had issues with them lately. That's odd. My mind wanders straight to my mate. I'm worried for her safety.. I wonder what my mates doing at this very moment. I grab my laptop to check emails and do my royal duties.

My Alpha King Savior.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن