Am I in Trouble, Again?

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Shadow pulled me all the way into his office and pushed me onto his desk and continued kissing me roughly. As we pulled apart I noticed Xander had control again. We just stared into each other's eyes for a while.

“Are you ready to…” Xander trailed off

I take a deep breath. “No, Not yet, I am so sorry”

“Don't apologize, it is quite okay if you aren't ready to do anything like that. I will wait for you to be ready” He smiles.

“I have missed you so much” I break down into tears.

He wipes my tears and stares into my eyes. “I missed you too, I am so sorry I have been ignoring you. I just have been trying to figure out why you did what you did. Then Damon explained it to me. I don't want you to feel like you ever have to protect me or our family. That's my job. I am so glad you are safe though. I had to try and get Shadow under control as well. He was going absolutely crazy thinking the worst.” He kisses my forehead.

“I'll always try to protect you, you are my mate.” I mutter

“Don't worry about it right now. We need to get some training into you before you go all war machine on me” He laughs.

I smile and just grab onto him, giving him a huge hug.

“We do need to have a talk about crowning you the Luna queen though, that has to happen soon. Like within the week. It has spread far and wide that I have found my mate” He says

“Raya mentioned it to me once. I didn't actually listen though. I'm nervous”

“You don't have to be nervous. Nothing bad is going to come of it. If It does I will kill anyone who got in the way of what is supposed to be a perfect day”

I take a deep breath “alright, I think i can handle it”

“I know you can sweetheart” He says cupping my face in his hands. “I guess we should start the preparations then” He walks away from me grabbing his phone.
I smile and get off his desk and sit in his chair. He talks on the phone for quite some time and keeps looking over at me smiling.

I am beyond nervous for the ceremony not because I'm afraid something bad will happen but because this is tying our souls close together. It's almost unavoidable that we will mate after because of how much our souls will hunger for each other.. Honestly we should have mated by now but I am just so scared and insecure about my body that I don't know what to do. I feel like I will freeze and the experience wouldn't be pleasurable for Xander and he truly deserves the best.

Xander finally got off the phone and stopped pacing. “Do you want to watch a movie or something? I can run to the store and get movie snacks and stuff” He smiles widely.

“Yes, I would love to watch a movie with you,” I tell him.

“Okay, you go into the movie room and pick out a movie while I run to the store” He smiles.

“Uhhh, i don't know where the movie room is, I didn't even know you had one” I giggle.

“I'll show you” He winks.

I get up and follow him out the door. After what seemed like forever and walking down lots of hallways. We ended up in a large room with a huge projector. Xander showed me the computer that the movies were on and how to use it.

After what seemed like forever I finally found a movie that looked alright enough to watch. I started to get concerned because Xander isn't back yet. I sat back in the reclining chair and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I wake up to someone shaking me, It's Damon. 

“Xander wanted me to come let you know that some things have come up and he's going to be there for a while.”

“Oh that's fine i'll just go lay in our bed and sleep” i shrug “Is he at least okay?” I ask

“He's fine, There's just a situation…” He trails off.

I just shrug it off as nothing. King duties and all. Damon leaves the room and I turn everything off and head up to Xander's room. I strip my clothes off and lay in bed under the covers and fall back asleep.

My Alpha King Savior.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя