Day with his mom Part 2

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By the time we reached the house it was pouring outside, Thunder was shaking everything and the lighting was happening at what seemed like every second. The wind was picking up and was very strong.  This storm is really starting to get intense.

Don't get me wrong small storms are very calming and I quite enjoy them. But storms of this magnitude get quite scary. I'm sure everything will be fine. But I worry often if you haven't figured that out yet.

Anywho, Me and Teresa are off to her library. She wanted to show me, she says that it has sky lights so we can watch the storm but stay safe. Apparently the windows are made from almost impossible to break material in here. That's a plus I suppose.

(Here is how I imagine the Library looks, But again feel free to use your imagination)

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(Here is how I imagine the Library looks, But again feel free to use your imagination)

I step in and my jaw drops in awe. This is the biggest library I have ever seen. It's so gorgeous from the skylights and all of the books, I think I died and went to heaven.

“Oh sophia, Close your mouth you'll catch flies” Teresa jokes.

Right after she said that, a pack member I haven't met yet came in and Told Teresa there was an emergency. I understand as she still has duties since I haven't taken over as Luna yet. She had informed me to just go ahead and stay in here and read whatever I wanted. I found a small corner and found a book. I sat in the corner on the floor and was reading as the storm outside raged on.

A while later I heard the door open and Xander walked in shirtless and soaked like he had been out in the storm. God he looked so hot. I wish I could just take him now.

Suddenly a Voice interrupted my thoughts.

“Darling, You stare too long I might just have to take you right here.” Xander smirks.

I blush, obviously embarrassed. Am I brave enough to take this next step with a man I barely know?

“I- Uh Im sorry” I spit out.

“I am yours, You can stare at me all day if you would like” Xander claims as he comes and sits down next to me.

“You know, This is the exact corner I come to when I need time to cool off or just need to be alone” He smiles.

“Well it is quite a lovely corner, Very cozy” I look at him.

“May I kiss you sweetheart?” He says staring into my eyes.

“Uh- y-yes of course” I say slightly nervous.

He smiles brightly and leans in for a kiss.
As soon as he does a huge crack of lighting hits the top of the skylights making us both jump. We both look up there then look back at each other and giggle. Maybe everything will be alright with this man. I'm kinda actually excited to see what the future holds. Hopefully everything goes better starting today.

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